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Topics - punkynpye

Pages: [1]
Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Starting Over!
« on: July 24, 2013, 04:44:19 PM »
I'm dropped off of the Fat to Skinny wagon months ago but I'm back and hopefully this will be the last time! I'm having issues getting motivated and sticking with the plan. I can't seem to resist the BAD stuff so I did the next best thing which was to pull out my Fat to Skinny book and read. Started out strong today but fell off the wagon at lunch time. I will start over at dinner and continue on this journey. Good to know that I have this forum where I can chat and read about all the testimonials. Good luck to everyone!

How To Register And Use This Forum / Need help!
« on: April 07, 2013, 08:09:04 PM »
I'm new to Fat to Skinny and I'm really anxious to get started. I know this may sound ridiculous but I don't
Know where to start. I think that I'm confusing Fat to Skinny with Atkins (although there are some similarities). The only meal that I feel good about is breakfast because
It'll be the same everyday (bacon and eggs). Am I able to use Atkins products or should I do away with them all together? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

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