Thanks Doug! Interesting article and very kind of you to share it. I may email Dr. Shu for further information (read as bombard with questions
). I will share with you what I find.
As you surely know, once a person has faced their own potential early demise, whether cancer, heart disease, even by accidental means, most individuals will become extremely cautious and want to make the wisest choices possible. I'll make this as brief as I can, as I could fill up this forum with information
I became even more cautions after speaking with the nutrition department of one of three very well-known
weight loss programs offering pre-packaged meals. This one basically refused to sell to me because of the soy content in their food. The other two suggested I contact my doctor. This alarmed me.
Since bodyfat produces a form of estrogen as well,
Reducing self-production of estrogen through loss of body fat is key. We get too many things working against us; body fat, overuse of soy in processed foods. The body cannot distinguish a phytoestrogen from a natural estrogen. (BTW - pesticide and hormone/antibiotic residues on vegetables and in our meat supply are also read as phytoestrogens)
Key to the article - get your nutrition from natural food sources - eat things as close to their natural grown state as possible. Thanks again for sharing it!