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Messages - CaliGirl

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General Discussion / Raw Veggies versus Cooked Veggies
« on: October 08, 2010, 12:28:18 PM »
Does anyone know if the carb content is higher in cooked vegetables than raw? Does the fiber count go down once veggies are cooked? I haven't been able to find any research or numbers. An endocrinologist told me some years ago that if I cooked my vegetables I may as well eat bread. I know it was an exaggeration but since I rarely eat meat I was curious. Thanks.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: WAITING ON MY BOOKS
« on: October 08, 2010, 11:52:27 AM »
Niki, have you tried sauteing the calamari in butter, olive oil, and garlic with some oregano?  I think white wine is probably off the list, but a splash might be okay since the alcohol cooks out. A couple of drops of heavy cream could be added if you want to thicken it up.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: 5 days in....
« on: October 08, 2010, 11:44:27 AM »
I'm working on a handful of tuna recipe conversions.

I've been using natural whey protein mixed in "mashed potatoes", eggs and things and drinking one daily of the Biggest Loser Designer Whey blueberry 2Go protein packs in water. I put it into a quart of water as opposed to 8 ounces though. I think the net carbs work out to only one. Has anyone else tried them? 40 calories, 6 protein, 7 carbs and 6 fiber.

It's difficult getting enough volume in a recipe without the animal protein or tofu because generally the vegetable portion has to be cut down to keep the carb count low. I made a raw zucchini and garlic fettuccine and mixed the whey protein into the Bertoli Alfredo sauce. I used less than 1/3 of a cup though. Also a raw zucchini hummus and stirred in some whey for protein. Good as a salad dressing too.

Tofu is a great meat substitute if you can eat soy. Being a breast cancer survivor and have been warned numerous times about large amounts of soy in my particular situation, so I'm looking for some other options.

I'd love to have some filling, low carb, non-meat recipes too if anyone has some. Why reinvent the wheel?

What is Jello Mousse? Is it premade or packaged?

Desserts and Sweets / Re: BEST Sugar Free Macaroons Ever!
« on: October 08, 2010, 11:07:44 AM »
Yum, those look like the Snakaroons from Laughing Giraffe without the carbs!! Going to have to try them for sure.  :P

Bob's Red Mill has an unsweetened shredded coconut. Netrition sells it as does,,, as does who BTW has a resealable 1 gallon container, which is 3.5 pounds for $11.25 until 10/10/10.

General Discussion / Re: Before Pic
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:51:10 AM »
Wow!! You look wonderful!  :o  Your effort and hard work is paying off big time and so very encouraging! WTG!!

OMGosh, he's just adorable! Must be difficult when time comes for him to go back home  :'(

General Discussion / Re: Good Morning From California!
« on: October 01, 2010, 11:09:21 AM »
Doug, you crack me up!  ;D  :D ;D :D

An "I" as opposed to an "L"?? hahahaha!!!

Now THAT would be some big time spam!!!

Me toooooo, Beebs! Buckets of blessings and answers and direction from Above are on their way to you!!

General Discussion / Re: Tropical Storm Nicole
« on: October 01, 2010, 10:34:14 AM »
Bless you Paula, that must have been horrible to lose your home. So glad you are all okay. I guess every area has it's own weather and natural disaster trials. NC sounds like a beautiful place to retire. Maybe when you come out to visit your family we can meet for a FTS lunch!! Have an awesome weekend!

Child Support (Kid friendly recipes) / Re: Turtle burgers
« on: October 01, 2010, 10:29:40 AM »
YVW ~  :)

General Discussion / Re: Tropical Storm Nicole
« on: September 30, 2010, 01:06:20 AM »
Hey Paula,
Glad to hear you're safe. Wow you gave up earthquakes for hurricanes and tropical storms? You're a brave woman! A friend in Georgia was submerged last year after one of these. So nothing to mess around with that's for sure. After having lived in both states, which do you think is worse; hurricanes/tropical storms or earthquakes?

Breads and Crackers / Re: crackers:)
« on: September 30, 2010, 12:58:06 AM »
Umpa, certainly will post it if they come out well :). I think they would probably be better dehydrated rather than baked, but we'll see. Down the road I will definitely be contacting you for some help in converting a few recipes.   Thank you!

Child Support (Kid friendly recipes) / Re: Turtle burgers
« on: September 30, 2010, 12:50:32 AM »
Thanks for the tips Umpa. I will check out Amazon for price comparisons. I may still get the snowcone maker!  8) Thank you again.

General Discussion / Re: Good Morning From California!
« on: September 30, 2010, 12:40:04 AM »
Thank you so much for the friendly welcome. You are so kind.

Doug's book arrived today and from what I've read so far this will be very doable with a few twists to accommodate my semi-raw food, quasi-vegetarian ways. Dinner tonight was raw yellow squash fettuccini with Bertoli Alfredo and a sprinkle of parmesan. Too good! This will work!

What a great book, Doug! While some of the principles are known to most professional dieters, I think sometimes we don't fully comprehend them or their impact. Your book is user friendly and presented in such a warm and comfortable way taking the mystique out of the science -- well it just works! For me, it got the head knowledge to the heart where it made an impact. Thanks to you (and Sherri, too)!  Definitely seeing several gifts already checked off the Christmas list!! This is waaay too good not to share! ;D

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