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Messages - founditatlast

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After losing about 24 lbs in the first 3 weeks of FTS I was really excited!  Then I not only didn't lose but gained a few pounds and stayed there for what seemed like an eternity!  Last week I finally got back down to the lowest I had been on FTS then THIS week I broke through to the next set of ten pound increments!
  I wish it was coming off faster but I know that it didn't get on that fast and the slower I lose the better for me health wise. 
  With so many years of YoYo-ing my body just thinks I'm kidding when I start a weight loss plan.  Now I think it's getting the message... This is a way of life now.  There is no turning back to the high sugar routine it was used to!
  I've got a long ways to go, but inch by inch, I'll get there!  Minus 26 and counting!!

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Katary Gets A Promotion!
« on: August 08, 2010, 02:30:02 AM »
You go, Gary!  Congrats!!!  :)

How To Register And Use This Forum / Re: Ticker question
« on: August 05, 2010, 11:31:47 PM »
We all have to start somewhere!!

Is that the eating plan he was on?

Ask Umpa / Re: Freezing Cauli Rice, Cauli Mashed Potato
« on: August 05, 2010, 11:11:26 AM »
That's a question I would like the answer to also.. How to freeze (if possible) "Calitatos"

Hi Paula, here is a list of stores that carry Victoria Pasta Sauce (or you can buy it online)

Hey, Doug!  Greetings for California!  I have passed the 100 post mark and would like to have the FAT TO SKINNY Sugar and Carb Counter  E Book. Please and Thank-you!  I met a lady in the grocery store the other day and told her all about the book and website... hope to see her on the forum, too. Thank you so much for CARING for people so much that you have invested your life!

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: New to post
« on: August 04, 2010, 09:28:23 PM »
What an awful disease!  How can you protect your children?  This lifestyle will get the weight off, Oceanblue, It is so much healthier than the mega-sugar and hidden sugar eating most of us were used to.  Bless you for sharing your story.
Diane (founditatlast, minus 24 and counting)

You're right, Doug!  I am eating a lot better on the FTS plan.  No more junk foods :)  I am currently eating a rootbeer float Popsicle made with diet RB soda, heavy cream, Xylitol and shaved ice. I had the float mid morning and made pops for whenever.  Tonight I'm having Chicken Alfredo with Shirataki Alfredo Noodles... ahhhh life is good!

Dinner Recipes / Re: chicken,bacon wrap.
« on: August 03, 2010, 10:53:26 PM »
This sounds wonderful... will definitly give it a try.  I love freshly cooked spinach... might try a different cheese, though. Don't have that one.
When I see a great recipe in the forum that is not already in Dougs book, I copy and paste it into a word processing program (or you could use the 'notepad' listed under accessories.  Just hit 'save' when done and keep adding them as they come along.

I plateaued for a while too. Last week, I added coconut oil to my day and it jump started me on my way again. I take a teaspoon with breakfast and a teaspoon with dinner. Beware: it will moooooooooooooove you at first. Maybe that's how I lost the extra couple of pounds..hmm....
Hmmm... sounds like it turns you into a cow! ;)

General Discussion / Re: What is Jicama? What is best way to make it?
« on: August 03, 2010, 05:55:06 PM »
California seems to have an abundance of jicama... nearly every grocery store, farmers market and health food store has it.  We have a large Hispanic community.  To get the freshest jicama I go to the farmers markets... crisp, white as snow and sweet!  Love it raw and cubed in salads.

Welcome to the family, Amethyst!  This does work... everyone on this forum is living proof.  Buy the book that Doug wrote and also the recipe book on the same page.  That will get you started in the right direction without feeling at all deprived!  Stay close to the forum, too, there are questions, recipes, encouragement, and general info posted here daily.   Most of all HAVE FUN with this!  It's a new lifestyle not a 'diet'.  We are all here for you!
Diane (founditatlast)

After being at the same place on the scale for a few weeks, and being consistant with the FTS eating plan, I was getting a little discouraged... But today I broke through that level!! I'm so happy I'm doing the happy dance!

WOW, eaglewood!  That's great!  Keep up the good work. :)

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