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Messages - Emmitt

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Where do you buy GG Bran crisps?

OMG, Doug!!! :o :o :o I can hardly wait!!! ;D ;D ;D

I bet it's fantastic on GG Bran crisps!

Weight Loss Stalled! WHY? / Re: Breaking Plateaus with Fiber?
« on: August 24, 2012, 06:32:55 PM »
Hi Tony, Where did you buy psyllium fiber? I would like to try it.  

I may have stumbled upon something that may help break plateaus without adding a single net carb.

I recently started paying attention to the amount of fiber I get everyday.
Most veggies high in fiber also have at least some net carbs but I wanted to add fiber without net carbs.

Although I get an average of 31 grams of fiber a day from what I eat (according to, I supplement that with 4 caps of psyllium fiber 3 grams each (twice a day, morning and night) for an added 12 grams per day (43 grams daily total).
I started this last Tuesday 11/02/2010.

My weight was on a plateau for the last week and a half of October and first week of November.
But today, the scale says I lost 1.6 pounds!!!  ;D ;D ;D

I also noticed since I added the extra fiber that I now have "regular" BMs.
Before the added fiber, not so much.

I remember beebs asking; "HOLY POOP!!! Where did Gary (Katary) go?" after he submitted a recent "after" picture.
And Doug responded, "That's exactly where Gary went..... Holy Poop!".

I'm hope adding fiber will minimize future plateaus.
At least it's helping to keep me regular!  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Sunflower seed
« on: August 24, 2012, 04:10:36 PM »
Yes It is. It's important to read the label - look at carb. 

Is sunflower seed low in carb?

General Discussion / Re: Peanut butter
« on: August 24, 2012, 12:50:59 PM »
It tastes alright - not so bad. lol but I made it for peanut butter fudge - got this recipe from Umpa! Tried one today - it's good.

That's the one! I hope you have better luck :) Maybe mine was spoiled? Lmk what you think :)

General Discussion / Re: Bacon & Eggs
« on: August 24, 2012, 12:43:30 PM »
Doug, I have a question for you.  Is lettuce suppose to be 1/2 cup? 2 slices of tomato? thanks

I love my bacon and eggs! Shake it up a bit by wrapping your breakfast into a large lettuce leaf with a slice of tomato, fresh mozzarella cheese, basil leaves and olive oil...YUMMY!!

General Discussion / Re: UMPA: My meal plan since Sunday
« on: August 23, 2012, 11:45:03 AM »
Besides spinach and lettuce, I eat green bean. Last week I ate tomato and green or red peppers.  Dressing is called Marie's chunky blue cheese with 0 carb.  Yes I took my measurement on my waist. :)

What other veggies besides spinach and lettuce do you eat? Your meal plan looks good.What type of dressings? Did you take your measurements?   :)

General Discussion / Re: Bacon & Eggs
« on: August 23, 2012, 08:15:04 AM »
I ate scrambled egg and 2-3 slices of bacon everyday last week but I got sick of it. lol  So I switched to cream cheese pancake & banana nut muffin.  Recently, I bought All Whites liquid egg. It has 0 cholesterol so you can eat as much as you can anyway it has 0 carb!  I ate all white egg beater and banana nut muffin with cream cheese on top for breakfast this morning.  It was good.  I bought all white egg beater at the Walmart.  

Is it wrong to eat bacon and eggs every day?  I used to vary my breakfast but at the moment I seem to be stuck on having an egg and 2-3 slices of bacon on a daily basis (if not for breakfast then another meal).  It satisfies me for hours on end but am wondering if I should make a supreme effort and not make it daily.  Maybe I'll get sick of it eventually, but at moment don't see it happening.

General Discussion / Re: UMPA: My meal plan since Sunday
« on: August 23, 2012, 08:10:19 AM »
The Sugar free syrup has carb 10 g and sugar alcohol 10 g so I subtract 10-10 = 0 carb.

Diamond chopped walnuts has 2 carb.

Maybe it's the sugar free syrup your body doesn't like?

General Discussion / Re: Gained weight
« on: August 22, 2012, 02:59:33 PM »
Great advice! How do I get rid of water weight?

Emmitt as women our weight fluctuates during the daytime up to 5 pounds.Weigh yourself only once a week, in the morning when you first get up after you have gone to the bathroom before anything has passed your lips.Women lose inches more quickly so take your measurements. Posting your meal plans on the forum also works so we can help you see where you may be missing carbs.My favorite solution is Morgans,get a pair of jeans in the next smaller size then you are now.Try them on everyday till they fit!Morgan actually put her scale on top her cabinets where she couldn't reach it! ;)

I can't wait! I'm excited!  ;D

General Discussion / UMPA: My meal plan since Sunday
« on: August 22, 2012, 12:45:44 PM »
Here is my meal plan since Sunday August 19 to now.  (I still don't know why I'm not losing weight since Sunday.  I lost 7 pounds for a last week.)

Sunday Meal

Breakfast:  2 eggs, 3 bacons  1.2 carb
Lunch: Salad (lettuce, raspberry, shrimp, hard boiled egg, and dressing) 4.1
Supper: Sausage, Spinach and Strawberry with wip cream.  6.5

Total Net Carb: 11.8  plus drank water.

Monday Meal

Breakfast:  2 egg, 3 bacon and coffee  2.2 carb
Lunch: (Cream Cheese Pancakes) 2 oz cream cheese, 2 eggs, 1 packet stevia sweetener, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon with strawberry and syrup.  5.7 carb

Supper: Chicken (Put 1/2 cup of dijon mustard, 1/4 cup of sugar-free maple syrup, and 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar)  and Spinach (frozen bag - i subtracted carb and fiber which is zero) 0 carb  

Total Net Carb: 7.9 - i drank water

Tuesday Meal

Breakfast: One-Minute Muffin (got recipe here) and coffee  1.6 carb
Lunch/SNACK: 3 bacon 0 carb (because I went to a movie theater at noon

Late Lunch: Chicken (Put 1/2 cup of dijon mustard, 1/4 cup of sugar-free maple syrup, and 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar) and green bean.  3 carb

Supper:  Pumpkin Seed 3 carb

Total Net Carb: 7.6 - Drank water

Today so far:

Breakfast: Banana Nut Muffin - 2 carb

1 T butter or oil
¼ c flaxseed
1 tsp xylitol
½ - 1 tsp banana extract
½ tsp cinnamon
Handful of chopped nuts  - 2 carb
1 T Sugar Free Syrup

Lunch:  Pumpkin Seed 3 carb, 3 bacon 0 carb and cheese stick 0 carb

Supper: Tilpia fish, spinach  (adobo seasoning)  1 carb

Total Net carb (so far) 6 carbs however I'm taking dry roasted almonds snack to work with me - that would be 2 carb.  If I eat snack at would be 8 carb.

General Discussion / Re: Peanut butter
« on: August 22, 2012, 01:02:23 AM »
Where did you buy Breyers carbsmart fudge bars?  I would love to try that! Sounds yummy! :D

Waterlilly, what if you make a PB treat and had a small bit everyday? Maybe you wouldn't crave it if you got it everyday. I'm like that with chocolate, so I've been having Breyers carbsmart fudge bars every night & am losing weight daily!! :)

General Discussion / Re: Peanut butter
« on: August 21, 2012, 07:45:18 PM »
Today, I bought "I am Healthy Unsweetened Chunky SoyNut butter Peanut free with 1 carb.  I am not sure if this is the same brand that you had but I'm going to give this a try. 

Emmitt the name is "I'm Healthy" PB, but my hubby and I didn't like it, to say the least. Lol :D

General Discussion / Re: Peanut butter
« on: August 21, 2012, 07:43:43 PM »
Kim, Where did you buy Trader Joes Roasted Valencia PB at?

The best tasting & lowest carb peanut butter I found is Trader Joes Roasted Valencia Peanut Butter with Flaxseed.  It's 1 carb per tablespoon and it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!  I always have it in the house  :)  I love it at night in celery with a cup of hot tea. 

General Discussion / Re: New bathing suit today!!
« on: August 21, 2012, 07:41:15 PM »
Happy for you!!  ;D

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