You can freeze spices, however contrary to popular belief it really doesn't extend the shelf life very much. If you live in a humid area though, it can keep them from turning into giant clumps of yuck! The goal with spices is to keep them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This means NOT over your stove, or right next to the stove or fridge! I think that's why the freezer thing came to be. Some people might not have a good spot for their spices, and the fridge or freezer might be the best option. Basic rule of thumb - herbs and spices, whole - last up to 3 years or more, they don't lose flavor til ground. Ground herbs and spices - we say 12-18 months tops. Once ground, the essential oils start to dissipate. That's where the flavor is. If a salt based blend, they will last longer, usually (salt is a preservative!). And although I'm in the biz, I still say with herbs fresh is ALWAYS better! Cinnamon only 3-6 months because it has a low oil content to start with so it dissipates faster. But saffron is good for 7 years! Ok, I'm done with my professor mode - sorry guys I can go on and on!