Author Topic: My 15yr. old/"change of lifestyle"/change of eating habbits on a teenage boy?  (Read 1795 times)


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Hi y'all. I guess we as parents are to blame really? We didn't think anything of it at first, we were all eating the same way, BAD! My husband and I "slowly", have migrated the Fat to skinny lifestyle into our everyday lives now, and really, once the mood swings, the two week lack of sugar intake ;D gets outta your system, and you get on that "even plain," so to speak, it's not to bad.  ;D
BUT!! How in the world, do you take a "teenage boy," who eats from the time "they"(I have two that are not so skinny ;D)get home till dinner time? and then have left overs?? We took him to the dr. this past week and he now has Type 2 Diabeties, and takes Metaformin(sp?)We really have tried before, they like some vegetables like brocoli and corn, but, much to my surprise, corn is loaded with carbs! How can corn be good for you?? Even like Northern Beans and such, has like 22 carbs in them! That's rediculous! (I'm a label reader now, thanks Doug!)and like the "fruit snacks" in "lite" syrup?? Seriously! The genral public, just thinks they're eating healthier, just because it has the word "lite" in it!! Not to mention the sodium content on all of it! Geese! I have learned, for the most part, if you don't cook it fresh, if it's not loaded with carbs, it's loaded with salt! Convience is not always best!
Sorry for rambeling, would love y'alls thoughts on how to change two teenage boys eating habbits! I need help!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 11:23:10 AM by snobles »


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Hi snobles!  :)

If you remember reading Doug's book, he talks about getting rid of ALL high carb junk in your house.
This is ESPECIALLY important if you have kids around.
And now that you have one with type 2 diabetes, it's CRITICAL!... You are trying to save his life!!!

The sooner kids are weaned off carbs, the better (and easier) it will be for them now and later on in adulthood.

But prepare yourself for the revolt!
And when it comes, do like my mom did.
She would say; "This is NOT a restaurant! Eat what I serve you (or what we have) or go hungry... It's your choice!".

In the case of your child with type 2 diabetes, just say to him; "I'm trying to save your LIFE!!!".

This won't be easy. But someday, you will be thanked for staying strong for them!
I will be praying for you and your family.
What you do today is what matters!


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Thank you! Since we live in a small town ;Dthe education is much better, and Justin has a teachers asst. that is actually doing their job as a "teachrs asst."! and his teacher emailed me and said that his asst. is a diabetic also, and will start going to lunch with Justin to help him make better choices!
AND I do know what you mean about the revolt!! He was not a happy camper when he came home that day! He used to eat sandwhiches, which is a lot of bread, that was half his diet. and since we've cut out his bread intake, he has revolted! lol...but, then again, I guess we all did(cough, cough, cough:-)But, much to my surprise, he hasn't been TOO bad!
Thank you again!!


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Out of curiosity one day, I ordered some cookbooks from the American Diabetes Association (ADA).
Talk about loaded with carbs!!! :o :o :o I could not believe my eyes!!!  I quickly threw them away!
And sadly, it is this kind of eating that many of our doctors are promoting for diabetics (type I & II).

Check out these ADA web pages:

I hope Justin's teacher asst. is eating in a way that is FTS compliant (or at least very close).
If those "choices" are the kind you'd see from the ADA cookbooks, I'd be concerned.

However, if he is able to drastically reduce his carb intake and enjoy the food, it should not be very hard to get him down to 20 net carbs per day.
Like most moods with kids, the revolt will pass, as will his desire for high carbs, and he will come to enjoy low carb eating like we do!
What you do today is what matters!


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Steph, I found out last March that I have type 2 diabetes. I began researching the effects of it online. I was horrified and scared to death (literally)! It has been so easy to stick to FTS eating and living because what is my option? I literally see the sugar laden foods (including hidden sugars) as poison to my body. It will kill me if I consume it...and it's not a quick death, it's a drawn out painful horrible life when you start having all the problems that diabetes can cause. I had NO clue what a huge impact high sugar can have on the entire body. I think education about it will encourage him to choose to eat low carb.

Doug Varrieur

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Well Steph, unless they the boys are doing the food shopping it seems to me you're in control of the fridge and pantry  ::) Sit then down and ask them to read the book, get them onto the forum......heck, show them this picture! (below) and play this vid for them  ;)

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself
Keep The Faith, Stay The Course, Spread The Word on Facebook and Twitter  8)


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@ Owensmath, you know the funny thing? Both my paternal grandparents were diabetic! My grandfather was takeing insulin shots 3 times a day before he died. and his arms showed it! It was very hard watching them slip away like that, but the sad thing, and Doug you're right about us as parents, or even as adults, they knew they were diabetic, and still ate the same bad stuff! Almost like they didn't care. That's why we're trying to get our kids on track! I am grateful though, that even though both my grandparents were diabetics, I'm not. I am still going to eat, Fat to skinny way, because I don't want to end up like that and have my life cut short because of it! I've known way to many diabetics to be able to say, I didn't know! Man up tiime! Well, you know what I mean! ;D