Hi guys! I just wanted to share a little today, hope y'all don't mind. I was without internet or my own place until recently, so I need to play some catch up here.
I started Doug's way of eating in June of 2010. I was almost 250 pounds! I really had no idea how I looked, almost didn't even care. I was on all kinds of meds from coumidin, to blood pressure meds, to anti-depressents and thyroid meds. my blood chemistry panels were horrible, low thyroid, high cholesterol. I was miserable.
One day, I saw a picture of myself from behind and I was like WOAH! that has GOT to change. I was 35 with two kids to raise on my own. I felt ridiculous, hopeless and not to mention helpless.
I started this "diet" ~totally a lifestyle change~ with the attitude that it probably wouldn't work, but desperate for ANYTHING to help me. By the end of September 2010 I had lost over 50 pounds!!!! I couldn't believe it, I still had the self image of a fat girl. I went shopping with my sister for work clothes for my new job...she got REALLY mad at me because I kept going to the plus-sizes. She finally FORCED me to try on smaller clothes...and when some were too big I cried. Then she FORCED me to take some ~~GASP~~ full body photos, and I cried again...there was a person looking back at me that I hadn't seen in years.
Since September of 2010, I have not been on Doug's plan, maybe 70% but I HAVEN'T GAINED ANY WEIGHT BACK! I went through a very trying time since then. I have lost 2 close family members, a couple of dearly loved pets, dealing with my special needs son and a rebelious teenager. I have also moved, changed jobs, and bought my own home! (nothing fancy, but it's MINE and PAID off!) In the back of my mind this whole time was to get back in the program, and finish the transformation of my lifestyle. I have 45 or so til my goal!
I went to the Doctor for the first time since starting this. I had labs taken on Monday, and today 4/20/11 my Doctor called me with my results, and yes, (I'm a girl) I cried yet again:
My cbc is PERFECT, my liver and kidneys are NORMAL, my metabolic panel is NORMAL, my thyroid is actually funtioning in the NORMAL HIGH range, my blood pressures are running in the low range, and last, but certainly not least my cholesterol levels are exactly what they should be, with my good higher than my bad, and I am still overweight! My Doctor told me quote: "Whatever it is that you are doing; keep doing it!" He also has switched me to a different blood pressure med, and told me if it stays low with this one, that I will be able to come off of meds COMPLETELY! (I haven't been on antidepressents or thyroid meds since september, I was having crazy side effects) I honestly never thought I would be able to do this, especially after my pulmonary embolism in '07
I thank God every day for Doug sending me a myspace request...and our continued friendship on facebook, and this forum where Doug and Sherry are REAL people actually helping those they are doing this for!!!!
It truly has done a HUGE change in this single mom's life. Please don't get discouraged, don't EVER give up on yourselves, if I can do it...ANYONE CAN!!!
Thanks for letting me gush...God Bless! ~Renae