This may be a silly question, but I'm asking anyway! Since we've been on the "change of life," seriously, I used to get like 2 to 3 pieces of chicken, and some vegetables, out of habbit, and eat. Ending up miserably full. But like I said before I used to eat like that because I was "affraid" I wouldn't get anything to eat, due to the teens in the house! (grant I know there's other food in the house!)Well, I tried a little something tonight. I got one piece of chicken and vegetables, and I'm full and miserable! LoL...I have cut it back, gradually, now I guess I need to cut that in half? I want to be full, but without being miserable? Make since? I finally got used to the idea, that there's always something to eat, I'm just gradually seeing what my body can handle without "starving", like that's gonna happen!
I am trying to teach myself to eat and waite. Most of the time, I'm rediculously full. So now I guess I should cut it in half?
Also, why is it, that the inside of the stomache shrinks before the outside?! ;DJust wonderin.