Author Topic: Doin the happy dance!!!  (Read 4948 times)


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Re: Doin the happy dance!!!
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2011, 06:08:48 PM »
Umpa....You are SO funny!!  If I ever make it back down to the Keys, I want to meet YOU!  We'll go fishing too!!!  If the fish don't bite, we'll be laughing too much to get bored!!   :D

Amber!  Thanks!  Congrats to you on the cool ticker!  .....and you've lost 6 pounds so far!!!  Way to go girl!!!  ;D


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Re: Doin the happy dance!!!
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2011, 07:23:17 PM »
You guys are so great!!   ;D ;D 

Jan I want to go to!!!  8) 8)   LOL 

Mouseissue you always have such great advise to give.  I only said that because I know life as a whole always will have it's ups and downs.  No matter who you are.  Diabetes is just one hurdle that I have.  I also have psoriasis along with psoriatic arthritis.  The arthritis has caused me to be disabled for the last 6 years.  I have to take enough meds for that issue alone  LOL... :(   I think knowledge is strength though and am always looking for new ways to help myself.  This is the biggest reason why this plan appealed to me....  You don't have to exercise for it to help you.  Some days I don't move as well as I would like.  I'm not a spring chicken mind you but I am still to young to not be able to get out there and kick up my heals.  It is hard when your mind still thinks you can do it....haha  It will be interesting to see if this lifestyle will help with those issues as well.  All are auto immune diseases so I wouldn't be surprised.  I guess time will tell...LOL  I don't mind taking baby steps... ;)  I just never dreamed that it could do this and so quickly and easy......

Umpa you are just to funny... sounds like maybe we could call that the detox dance  LOL  ;) ;) ;D

Thanks everyone again for the well wishes...... I am just so excited to finally be in control instead of the disease controlling me..... TAKE THAT SUGAR!!!!  ;)


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Re: Doin the happy dance!!!
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2011, 09:33:05 AM »
Amber you don't have to say a word! Just show them Doug's Sugar video. ;)

Owensmath and beebs have been trying to get doug and I to do a camp! :D


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Re: Doin the happy dance!!!
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2011, 09:45:21 AM »
Too Sweet - this lifestyle might help with your arthritis as well... My husband has Rheumatoid Arthritis and since he has changed his eating he is feeling 100% better!!  Before even with his monthly infusion he was in pretty consistent pain; now he is virtually pain free!  It has been huge for him!  He hasn't lost a lot of weight yet (6 lbs/ 3 weeks) which he's not used to lol, but his quality of life has already improved greatly!  Hope it does the same for you! :) :)

Umpa - Summer Camp!!!!!!!! ;D :P  YYYYEEEESSSS, sign me up!  I would love to meet everyone!


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Re: Doin the happy dance!!!
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2011, 01:12:36 PM »
Hi Jen! :)

You touched on the main reason an overweight person should live this lifestyle... Overall improvement of health and quality of life.

I constantly research the web for what low carb living does for folks.
I'm constantly amazed at how many ailments diminish (or just disappear).

A personal example...

I used used to have a recurring problem with boils and carbuncles since my college days MANY moons ago.

Just the other day, I was trying to remember when I last had an outbreak.
I have not seen a boil since some time before the holidays in 2010.
I've NEVER gone that long without an outbreak before FTS!

My conclusion is... Living low carb doe so many good things for the body, why would anyone want to go back? ;D ;D ;D
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: Doin the happy dance!!!
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2011, 03:52:15 PM »
Oh wow Jen thanks that really gives me hope.  I am so glad that he is getting relief.....

I used to be an industrial painter before mine afflicted me.  I can understand your husbands pain.  Because of my job I thought the aches and pains came with the territory.  So it just crept up on me.  I woke up one morning and literally couldn't get out of bed, let alone brush my own teeth.  The pain was horrible.  Mine is very much like RM.  I don't take infusions but do give myself shots every week.  It does help but not enough for me to be able to work anymore or do a lot of the things I wish I could still do.  Two years after that came the diabetes.  I know you can understand this because of your husbands RM, but to look at me you wouldn't think there was anything wrong....LOL  I hate sugar now as much as I hate pain!!!  LOL  I am very hopeful that this lifestyle will be a great answer for me.   It already is with my sugar and I can already see a difference in my skin.  If it does start to help I will sure go the forum on NPF and sing the praises of FTS, Doug and Umpa!!!  LOL

Mouseissue that is awesome!!!  You can't put a price on good health can you... ;)  I think sugar is poisoning us all

Any yes......I'm with you guys.... a camp would be awesome!! 8) 8) 8)