Author Topic: I went on a bindge  (Read 2353 times)


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I went on a bindge
« on: May 19, 2011, 10:20:00 PM »

Yes, I did!  What's up with this?  Since I started FTS, I recently learned that I do this once a month.  (because this is the third time i've done this and this is my third month). I eat everything in sight, no matter what it cream, candy... (swiss rolls  ::) )  Once I start, I can't stop.    

I tell myself that tomorrow I will get back on track...and I do get back on track...until next month...

This will cost me 2 hours at the gym tomorrow. 

OK...  Give it to me!  Tough Love!  

Luv y'all!
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 10:22:50 PM by momx04 »

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
~ Dr. Suess


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Re: I went on a bindge
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2011, 10:28:53 PM »
Nothing to say but it is what it is  ;D & I thank goodness none of that crap taste good to me anymore .LOL Does it not make you feel bad the next day ?
 The one thing that I think would do that to me is Bread  I am scared to try it LOL .  I have thought so many times I can eat this 1 peice it has 8 carbs ,but I am just afraid that I want stop . Those Pita things that Sherriepie told us about maybe a trigger ,I am not sure yet .

At least you get right back on.Is it your time of the month that is triggering it ? Is it the same  time every month or does the overwelming urge to eat S#@# just come over you at different times ? :D :D :D :D :D (had to say that )

 But we are human and we have to live the rest of our lives on FTS ,maybe as the months roll on you will do less & less . Carbs are adddictive that is one thing that is for sure .

Just keep FTS IN momx04


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Re: I went on a bindge
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2011, 10:41:38 PM »
If you absolutely cannot resist the urge for chocolate (Swiss rolls, for example), try eating some of the sugar free chocolates that Russel Stovers or Hersheys makes. At least, it won't be full of sugar. I have learned to do this and it takes very little to satisfy that craving now.


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Re: I went on a bindge
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2011, 10:50:06 PM »
Last year our family went on a vacation to Mexico.  I got so sick...(lost 9 lbs in 4 days...that sick...I think they call it Montazuma's revenge).   :o   The other day, I ate a mozzerella stick...just ONE.  It made me "mexico sick" if you know what I mean.  So I know I cannot touch that stuff, greasy, fried, breaded will make me physically sick.

But the sugary sweet stuff like ice cream, chocolate, creeps in and I can't control it once I start.  

Its not everyday and nothing I know of triggers it.  I just lose it (once a month)  :-\

I am happy I can share my little failure with you guys.  I'll get back on track tomorrow.


“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
~ Dr. Suess


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Re: I went on a bindge
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2011, 10:57:14 PM »
I have tried the sugar free Russell Stover's candy.  They give me tremendous headaches.  They tasted great though.   ;)

I love FTS.  I believe I am doing well (98% of the time) is just that weakness I find I have once and a while that makes me mad >:(
And reminds me of the workout ahead of me if I chose to bindge   >:(

Luv y'all

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
~ Dr. Suess


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Re: I went on a bindge
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2011, 06:18:23 AM »
Well you are doing well , Next time you start just say if you eat this you are gonna have to exercise hard for 1 week if it is worth to you then go for it  until it starts making you sick
 It would not be for me I have to fight for every pound I lose ,But if I knew that I could eat a loaf of french bread and then just exercise hard for a week I might do it too , well no I probabky would not I dont like to exercise LOL :D

But it is a trade off just like when you eat your carbs you can have 20 a day eat 20 all at once or spead them out . Do you gain the next weighin when you do it ?
 If you ldont mind  having to exercise extra and it dont make you sick and you dont gain or mind the stall (if you have one ) ,but becareful because it could start creeping up on you like now it is once a month then it could be every 3 weeks ...on & on...... Know what I mean ?

 Hugs to ya girl you are not too far from your goal so it must not be hurting you too bad  ;)


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Re: I went on a bindge
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2011, 09:43:47 AM »
Not good Mom04. You need to do FTS for you and cheating isn't going to help you. We all have days that we want chocolate, lord knows I fought that all last week. But giving in makes your system go out of whack, makes you stop burning fuel the right way and could put you back into detox. Are you hella craving things again? If you really want to do this, and it's a lifestyle not a diet, then you need to bite the bullet and stop eat those carbs. Might I suggest the Russell Stover Truffles for next time you need chocolate? They are amazing!
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Re: I went on a bindge
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2011, 01:14:49 PM »
Hi Theresa! :)

Binging is a psychological event.

Remember... We're addicts who've been addicted to sugar (carbs) most our lives.
You MUST look at sugar the same way a recovering alcoholic looks at alcoholic beverages.
When losing weight by keeping our bodies "sugar free", SUGAR CAN HURT A LOT!!!

I know that it's tough to shake off the misinformation about weight loss we've been fed most our lives.
Exercise is great for good health and a very good way to keep our metabolisms humming.
But it's NOT a good way to lose weight!!!... READ DOUG'S BOOK AGAIN!!!
I needn't say more about this.

Finally, write down everything you eat, how much, when, and what you were "feeling" when you ate.
This information will help you learn VOLUMES about your eating habits. And will help you stay on track with FTS.
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: I went on a bindge
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2011, 03:47:28 PM »
Sherriepie!  Nice to have you back.
Hope the move was stress free (or as stress free as a move can be) and that you are settling in.

Joagain, it's not that I gain any weight after one  of those days, I just don't lose for a good week or two. Or I will go up and down the same five lbs withough for about 2 weeks.   Frustrating!  But I know why it happens and I have to stop.

Tony, you are right again!  It is an addiction.  I am truly a carb addict. 

I just keep pluggin!


“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
~ Dr. Suess