Author Topic: Hungry!  (Read 6190 times)


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« on: July 25, 2011, 02:42:44 PM »
Yesterday was really bad for me regarding hunger. I don't know what the heck happened, but I felt like I was starving. I had all my meals planned out and did really good until after dinner. Then I just seemed to graze from 5-7pm. It was crazy! I couldn't figure out why I was so hungry. Doug suggested eating a GG Crispbread with one of my meals to see if that helps, so I just had one with lunch.

I thought about why I might have been so hungry. I haven't felt well lately and the night before I took a dose of NyQuil so I could sleep better. I've had this horrible sinus-like headache for almost a week. So, I was feeling a bit 'off' because of the NyQuil. But then around 7pm I realized I had forgotten to take my vitamins. I take a Women's Ultra Centrum and a Super B-Complex everyday. I'm wondering if maybe that had something to do with it. Or could it be that because I'm close to my goal weight and not in fat-burning mode? Everyone says I'm at a good weight now and they don't think I should worry about those last 6 pounds, although I'd still like to reach my goal -- mostly to give me leeway.

I've read that taking L-Glutamine to help with food cravings. Lately, mine has been peanut butter and I'd really like to STOP wanting it. I have 4 kids, so "not having it in the house to tempt me" is not an option. I won't take their PB away. Has anyone tried any supplements for cravings or excessive hunger?

On a more positive note -- I took my vitamins this morning after breakfast. Normally, if I forget to take them, I'm already thinking about lunch by 10:30am. Today, since I took them, I didn't even think about lunch until it was something like 11:50am. So, maybe the vitamins help a little. I knew I should have exercised in the afternoon too, because a lot of times that helps with my appetite and I don't feel as hungry afterwards. But lately, it's been really bad and I just never feel full. I hate that.

ETA -- Another factor could be that I'm on summer vacation. I homeschool my kids and during the school year we're downstairs all morning. I don't usually come upstairs until lunchtime, and then again after we finish for the day. So, maybe this has something to do with me thinking I'm more hungry than I am. I don't know ... I just wish it would stop.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 04:11:11 PM by Rena »


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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2011, 04:27:50 PM »

Is that a new pic??? I like it.  You're looking great.  Since I've never got as close as you have to your goal I can't say for sure but I've always heard those last 10 pds are the hardest.  Being sick and taking nyquil might have some to do with it.  Is there alcohol in nyquil?

Being sick or tired can definitely affect my weight loss.  I made the mistake today of going shopping before having anything to eat.  When I got home around 1:00 PM I was starving.  Busted 11 of my carbs, luckily I'm not hungry now.  Hope I can eat low for dinner.

Hang in there with those hunger pangs...since I'm so new I really can't give you the best advise.  I know if I drink my water all day that helps.  Will be thinking of you and hope things level off shortly. 

Good Luck
Suz ;)
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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2011, 05:03:18 PM »

Nyquil is loaded with sugar, some peeps online say a single dose has 70 carbs. Maybe it's making you detox again?? I don't know but I do know that during that time of the month I am always starving. Since you are having peanut cravings try doing what I do. I buy a bag of raw peanuts and roast a whole pan. The directions are on the bag. It makes the house smell amazing! Then I bag them up into snack baggies that are serving size, usually 3 carbs per bag servings. If you eat them warm they taste like fresh homemade peanut butter cookies. It really helps me when I am starving for no apparent reason. Also, drink lots of water...more than normal even, really helps fill me up. I also find that jerky helps or pumpkin seeds. I usually keep a small bag of them in my purse to snack on during the day. Hope some of my tricks help but remember it will always does.
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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2011, 06:19:05 PM »
Thanks, ladies. Today is going MUCH better. Then again, I had my biggest problem last night after dinner and tonight's not over yet. But so far, I feel way better, hunger-wise.

I didn't even think of NyQuil having carbs. The alcohol crossed my mind, but not the carbs. I can see how that would affect weight loss, but not so much the added hunger. As I said, maybe it's a combination of a lot of things -- PMS coming up, not being as busy from school, being sick, not taking the vitamins, as well as being close to my goal and maybe (?) not being in a fat-burn mode. I really don't know, but maybe it was all just working against me last night.

Thanks for your suggestions and advice. Like I said, today is going way better. I had my breakfast and lunch and ONE snack. I'm planning on doing my exercises before dinner, so hopefully that will help, too. I really hate feeling like my appetite is out of control. That's not a fun feeling. Last night I just gave in finally and ate. I didn't eat anything I shouldn't eat, but had stuff like cheese, a LC tortilla, almonds, and anything else that wasn't nailed down. I should have been able to fight it better, though. Talk about a weak moment.



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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2011, 06:22:42 PM »
Suz -- Thanks for the comment on the pic. It was taken a few months ago. I kept changing my profile pic today because they seem to distort a little when you post. It's funny how they look better on your profile page. The last one I had up was more recent, but it made me look like a caveman! Cavewoman? Neanderthal?  :D


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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2011, 06:32:27 PM »
Sherri -- You heard NyQuil has 70 carbs? I just looked and 19 seems to be the number coming up the most. Either way, it's definitely something to keep in mind!


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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2011, 01:34:07 PM »
Hi Rena! :)

Have you ever spilled a some Nyquil on a counter and left it there for a time?... That stuff gets VERY sticky!!!

Thinking back on everything I used to eat and drink, if it was sticky,
it had LOTS of sugar (and/or starch which metabolizes into the same thing... blood glucose).

19 carbs is almost an entire daily allowance!
A high concentration of net carbs can, and usually does, bring on sugar detox symptoms.
Depending on the individual, those symptoms can vary in intensity and persist for quite some time.
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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2011, 01:42:49 PM »
I understand, although I never went through any real detox that other people experience. I didn't gain any weight either, so I doubt the carbs in the NyQuil were that big of a deal for me that one time. You know? I just felt famished and couldn't feel full. However, not feeling full is common for me at any given time.

I rarely eat something and go, "Boy, am I stuffed!" I must be a bottomless pit!  ::)

I remembered my vitamins right after breakfast today and I'm doing okay. Maybe it was just a bad day. Let's hope so, anyway.


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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2011, 02:02:43 PM »
Hi Rena! :)

We all have bad days for any number of reasons.
I hope that all your days are good! :) :) :)
What you do today is what matters!

Doug Varrieur

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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2011, 05:29:18 PM »
Hello Rena, tonight after dinner has settled, an hour or so I want you to have a piece of GG with a thick slice of your favorite cheese and a big mug of  your favorite tea. I believe that will carry you through the night, let me know  ;)
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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2011, 05:37:18 PM »
Thanks, Doug. I'm going to give that a try. I did have a GG for lunch and I'm feeling better than I was, so maybe it is helping. The other day I forgot my vitamins and I was wondering if that could have had something to do with it -- mostly because I take a Super B-Complex in addition to a multivitamin.

I am curious, though, when you get down to where your weight should be realistically, is it possible to still be in a fat-burning mode even if you don't have much left to lose? Or do you ease out of that when your body is at a certain weight? I've been reading about this and found that appetite can increase when you're no longer burning fat like you were when you first started.

I'm going to go exercise right now -- that seems to help with my appetite, for some weird reason.

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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2011, 08:06:18 AM »
I think it's a combination for you;

1- Almost at your goal weight means less stored fuel for your body.

2- Yes, missing your vitamins could cause your body to reach out for what it craves.

3- The NyQuil put sugar shots into your body....that didn't help.

4- Finally, I know how committed you are to dropping that last bit of weight so I'm guessing your portions are still very small. The GG added in at the right times coupled with fats from cheeses will help allot.

Peptide YY, a human hormone suppresses appetite. Your body releases Peptide YY during exercise, that's why exercise helps.  ;)
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Re: Hungry!
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2011, 10:51:56 AM »
Thanks, Doug!

By the way, I did okay last night after dinner, so I didn't eat the second GG Crispbread. The past 2 days I've been having one for lunch with some tuna, so maybe that's helping. Thanks for the other information you included. That all makes sense. And yeah, I'm still keeping my portions small and trying to limit myself to a single serving of most things. But I make an effort to eat a complete meal and not skimp. If I skimp, I just get too hungry and blow it later.