Author Topic: Adventures in FTSing  (Read 2216 times)


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Adventures in FTSing
« on: February 15, 2012, 11:08:20 PM »
So - we're on day three. And already have had a few fun adventures - including nearly a smoke alarm! LOL

The one thing I'm wondering is if anyone has suggestions for portion cutting. I know I'm eating too much. I feel OVERfull tonight. Here's what I ate today:

Breakfast: 2 sticks string cheese; 1 Atkins Shake; 2 Atkins bars (I'm an attorney, and "on the go" meals are a must)
Lunch: 1 slice prime rib; string beans (1/2 c); broccoli (1/2 c); lettuce (1c); hard boiled egg (1/2c); bleu cheese dressing (2-3 Tblspn)

So far so good - was feeling good about things.

But along came dinner.

And I decided to try to pre-prep some things while I cooked. And I didn't have any sugar free gum around.

So while I seared our pork chops (made three, to serve two - fridged one of them for tomorrow) and made our first batch of caulimash (good stuff) - I prepped another small green salad (lettuce, cucumber, 1/2 avocado, oil and vinegar). Again - not bad, right?

But I was also pre-making deviled eggs. And ate about 2 of them (4 halves) while making them.

I also tried to make the cheese crisps from the book - and ate some chunks while I cut them up. But after 8 minutes in our oven, we had smokey, burnt, cheesy, oily, soupy, melted cheese mess. And a LOT of smoke. My wife said "something smells like it's burning" - and sure enough - she was right.

But after it cooled, we had some nice melty cheese. Which I helped myself to.

And now I feel bloated and a little sick to my tummy.

So. Other than not eating while I cook (going to get some gum) - how do you guys find your proper portion sizes? What works for you? Remember that at 357 pounds, I need a little more than most to just keep going - and I exercise, and am doing a half marathon next weekend - so I can't be "hunger" tired. But I don't want to sabotage myself right out of the gate either.


Suggestions? Thoughts?



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Re: Adventures in FTSing
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 11:10:12 PM »
One more note - that has NOTHING to do with this post.

If you're interested in reading more about my weight loss journey through FTS and my running in Disney Races (and raising money for Make-a-Wish along the way) - feel free to follow my personal blog:

I typically update once or twice a week (sometimes more) as time permits. :)



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Re: Adventures in FTSing
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2012, 06:21:44 AM »
Hi Jonathan,
Cooking is like shopping for groceries when you're policy is don't do that!  Grocery shopping or doing food prep is something I do only AFTER I have fixed a proper FTS meal.  Sit down and eat your meal, don't eat on the run.  Hard to do when you are a busy working person I know.  Best time to do food prep for you probably would be the weekends; have breakfast or brunch; be full and not hungry.  Then make a plan for your weekly snacks; deviled eggs, meat and cheese wraps or just chunks of cooked meats and cheeses.  The other great snack is SF Jello.  Some stores sell prepackaged SF Jellos (I make my own) that would add to your snack list.  Something I have learned with FTS also is stop the food testing..once you've tried the recipe and know it's good-make it and leave it alone.  Bag it up and grab it when you're hungry.  Those little bites here and there can sabatoge me.  Buy a softside cooler and ice pack to keep your snacks at your desk.  I would suggest that while you are doing your prep that you check out the OMM for a replacement for those Adkins bars.  Adkins numbers don't add up if you check the labels and the OMM would probably give you more fiber and help you feel less hungry.  Just a suggestion.  Good Luck.
Look out Hawaii, I'm on my way!!

Doug Varrieur

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Re: Adventures in FTSing
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 09:04:29 AM »
You cracked me up John, :)

OK, down to business, let's start here-  Looking at the shear amount of food you ate yesterday YES you are definitely eating to much food. The thought process that you're a big guy so you need more food is actually a flawed thought process. The truth is you're a big guy because you've been eating to much food for a long time. What we need to do is get your body started on a course to use the "stored fuel" instead of giving it fuel by mouth.

Are you familiar with my 15 minute rule? Today when you make a plate, make it your normal portion size. Now take a second plate and divide it in half. Eat the first smaller plate then wait 15 minutes...yes, you can hold out.  See how you feel 15 minutes later. If you're still hungry eat a bit more then this until you feel "physically" satisfied. Mental satisfaction is something entirely different. It can raise havoc with your eating plan. "Boy that looks good I want to eat it" is not the same as physically needing fuel for the machine. You probably eat out for lunch so ask the waitress to bring you a to-go package, do it at the table or have the cook do it for you.

Interestingly enough when I find my portion sizes growing I go through the same process. I ALWAYS find myself NOT touching the second plate. After 15 minutes I analyze how I feel and in 100% of the cases I've eaten enough food. Give it a try and you may find you're eating TWICE the food you need.

NEXT- Get rid of the Atkins products, loaded with sugar alcohols and I've never resolved their "other carbs" on the label. You're morning "quickly" on the run meals would be far better with a couple of hard boiled eggs, beef jerky in the car on the way to the office (you can leave a bag in the glove compartment) watch this vid-   Shake up the on the run food with wraps, slap a couple slices of cheese and turkey breast or ham or both with mayo into a romaine lettuce leaf wrap it up and eat it.

Another plan is as simple as it gets, get your secretary  involved, pick a local restaurant and make yourself a "safe" menu. On the way to work simply have her call in one of your safe menu choices and have it delivered to your office, you can do the same for sure to communicate with the restaurant  so they know to send the cheese and veggie omelet without the toast and jelly, the burger wrapped in lettuce not a fries, the chefs salad without carrots or croutons etc... This doesn't need to be difficult. If you don't trust yourself to eat smaller portions simply "design"smaller portions with your food prep people, what's not in front of you can't be eaten  ;)

Not sure what happened with the cheese, I've made these several times and they turn out great, re-check the directions. Sounds like you left em in to long, they don't crisp up till they cool off.

Suzlyn made a good point "Cooking is like shopping for groceries when you're policy is don't do that!"  Buy some gum and set up your snack trays when you're not hungry. You can also stop at your local deli and get custom trays made up for you daily which you simply bring home.
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