Whether by choice, chance or destiny many of the FTS family live the single
life. We enjoy no arguments over TV shows, movies to watch, which side
of the bed, is the seat to be left up or down and 100's of other small matters
of discussion between partners. Some I miss for sure others oh well.
The item of this post is a simple one your ideas how to use FTS to a sngle
person's best advantage. I'm not talking about the ends and outs of the
meals, they stand by themselves as excellent and wholesome, but ideas
like can be found right here
http://www.mydailymoment.com/recipes/omelet_in_a_bag.php as and
example. I'm going to test these to see if I can freeze this "Omelet in a Bag"
and have ready instantly for breakfast a big advantage to a single person.
To cut to the chase, you my FTS family have a wealth of knowledge and
ideas , let me hear a few I and other singles would appreciate them very
Our Best to You and Yours,
Buford and the Girls