Howdy Y'all and good morning,
I studied on this reply overnite so bear with me till the end.
Freedom of speech is one of the cornerstones of this nation
and is prized as one of the greatest of our freedoms.
However, it has limits. You can not yell "FIRE" in a theater
nor can you abuse my ears on or inside my property,I can demand
you leave and I have the right to do so.
Doug and UMPA have decided with good cause to not open up
there forum (They own it) to personal chatting (IM=instant messaging)
For 30 years I have been a SUPER GEEK (and a poor fisherman). So I decided to set up a chatroom for FTS friends and I did, then within
five minutes I took it down. Why you may ask, well IMHO it would
take away the closeness of this forum and if you really think IM is
your thing get a Twitter account and have at it or setup your own
private chatroom there a many free ones out their.
If Doug and UMPA decide later to add "CHAT" so be it, I hope they
do not. "If it ain't broke don't fix it" these are my opinions, I do welcome
yours. Want to discuss this more ""
Our very Best to You and Yours,
Buford and the Girls(The Cold Nose Gang)