Welcome aboard, catznflwrz.
I'll take a stab at your questions and others will have additional information, I'm sure. Splenda is mentioned as causing stalls because those cute little packets are 1 carb each and sometimes people don't realize that. Splenda is not a sugar alcohol, though, and sugar alcohols are guilty of causing stalls in some people. In the beginning, also referred to at detox, I think it is best to avoid sugar alcohols and try to limit other sweeteners to help your palate adjust to your non cab lifestyle. I use heavy cream in my coffee every morning. A dollop or two isn't an issue.
I suggest that you go back to the book and review Doug's advice about the timing and size of your meals. Eat when hungry and give your body a chance to register that you've eaten by eating half of your plate and waiting 10 minutes to see if you really need the rest. This will help you figure our when you need to eat and how much. Over time, your portions are likely to grow. That happens to most of us so it's good to do the whole eat-half-and-wait thing every once in a while.
I struggled with every "diet" I could put my hands on for 5 years until FTS became my lifestyle. I'm not quite to my goal weight but getting very close. Stick with it, be prepared for good weeks and not so good weeks and come visit us often.