Author Topic: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products  (Read 3104 times)


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Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« on: May 19, 2012, 12:49:12 AM »
I'm annoyed at myself for not reading the label.  I was in a hurry and presumed the carb count would be the same!
I have been buying my fts food supplies online and I had bought Bob's Red Mill Golden Flaxseed Meal which ends up being 0 carbs.  Whilst shopping I came across another brand (Melrose organic)which was reasonably priced and I didn't have to pay shipping.  A quick glance and thought, yeah ok and bought it.  When I was putting it in the pantry I read the label a bit more thoroughly. It has 0.8c/10g which equates to 8.0c/100g.  Total dietry fibre 3.3g which I am presuming has already been deducted.  If using 25g (1/4 cup) say for the OMM - this adds 2.4 carbs to the recipe.  Not Fair!!!!! The only ingredients is Flaxseeds so how are the carb counts so different?

PS - is it really necessary to store in the fridge after opening?


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Re: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2012, 10:13:28 AM »
I don't know about the carb count, Morgan, but I had a bunch of flax seeds stored in a cupboard go rancid, so I store in the refrigerator or freezer now. What a waste of money! I had bought a lot of flax before I found out that I don't like it.

As for different carb counts on the same products, lots of things are like that. Some heavy whipping cream is 1 carb and some is listed as 0 and some eggs say 1 carb while others say 0... It's very confusing and frustrating! Several times I've been eating something that was labeled very low in carbs and then found a different brand of the same thing (a single ingredient) that has more carbs listed and I think, "Somebody's lying! What have I been doing to myself?" Ticks me off. I try to go by Doug's carb count book and not worry about it too much.


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Re: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2012, 09:30:51 AM »
I understand your confusion it happens to me all the time.I was at the Hersheys website the other day and the labels there did not match the package. The carb counts were high! I looked at the labels and they did not list the sugar alcohols ;) They are shooting themselves in the foot.I plan to call them on monday.I think alot of the food manufacturers dont quite understand it either.Learn to read ingredient lists that will help.Flaxseed is 0 carbs.It has to be stored in the fridge or it will go rancid quickly.I store all my flours in the fridge.I have had the same issue with hazelnut flour. ;)


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Re: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2012, 03:52:57 PM »
Hi Morgan! :)

If your products are coming front the U.S.A., remember that the government's U.S. Food and Drug Administration is not fussy about carb count accuracy.

This is why I say it pays to read the ingredients list as well as the Nutrition Facts labels.
If any of the first three listed ingredients is known to be high carb, I don't buy the product.

Heat (or warmth of any kind) will cause a the omega fats to be released in flax.
After this happens, it becomes very perishable and will spoil quickly.

Flax seed (and flax meal) will keep for a very long time refrigerated.
And almost indefinitely if frozen. 8)
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2012, 01:04:17 AM »
Thanks all.  Transferred containers to fridge.  Australian standards are supposedly strict regarding Nutritional Information - they are supposed to be on every food item that is sold (barring fresh fruit and vegetables).  Nutritional Info is also made available at all major fast food outlets.  Though I suppose with all things, some companies probably 'fudge' their information to make it more appealing.  Items that have a red tick on them are supposedly heart foundation approved BUT companies have to buy the tick which really does make is seem suspicious.  Many people think that the 'tick' should be independantly awarded, not approved by submission and payment.


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Re: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2012, 08:29:51 AM »
At least they are making a effort.In the states they are just now cracking down on Nutella and POM.It took a group of moms to file a lawsuit for millions and they won before Nutella would change their marketing claims that it was healthy for kids. ;)


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Re: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2012, 08:34:37 AM »
I found a cocoa at a health food store last night that had <1 gram of carbs and 2 grams of fiber.  Someone doesn't understand a basic concept somewhere.

(Good morning, Umpa.)


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Re: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2012, 08:36:40 AM »
Ole use to do that but they fixed it .There label said -6 carbs per tortilla ;)
Good morning Andrea did you find your backless dress? :)


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Re: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2012, 08:39:53 AM »
Some lucky person at Goodwill found it, I'm sure.  It had a wrap culotte skirt, too.  I was da bomb!  And now I just have my memories (sigh).


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Re: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2012, 08:42:09 AM »
i think you need to go shopping and find a dress that will blow these people away! :o :o :o :o I vote red!


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Re: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2012, 08:56:25 AM »
Did I mention that the reunion is in Nebraska?  We're coming in from the big city and I work really hard to blend in.  Everyone knows everyone.  Heck, everyone is related to everyone.  We joke that my husband had to leave town to find a wife since the only option at home was cousins. 

I'll find a reason for a red dress eventually.  I'm kinda preppie in my clothing choices so I'll do great in slacks and a pretty jacket.


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Re: Comparative Carb counts on Supposedly Same Products
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2012, 09:00:46 AM »
Well I work really hard not to blend in!I like to stand out in a crowd!!! :D :D
My family is all preppy!So I understand your style! How about some red shoes?? I am a shoe nut! ;)