Welcome to the party, it's good to have you. There's a show on TV, a father/son medical team that performs gastric bypass on anyone who will pay the $20,000 tab. The last episode I saw involved a mother with 16 year old son who weighed in at 295. She brought her son to these two idiots as a "last hope cure" for her son's obesity. I watched in horror as they "approved" him for surgery without discussion of any other remedy. Before it was over I was screaming at the television! Where are the ethics in the medical community? Why would any professional chop a kid up when all it takes is a good low sugar program and education to put him on the right track? It all makes me very very angry and sad all at the same time.
Now I'm going to ask you for your help. Everyday people come to this forum to find out how to
lose weight and improve their health, many of them are considering this surgery. We need a point person on this issue by answering questions and offering real advice from a person who's "been there done that".
If this is something you feel comfortable with please post a topic called "Considering GASTRIC BYPASS? Stop here first!"