Love, love my WrapMaster dispensers!! They rate right up there with my nesting magnetic measuring cups and nesting magnetic measuring spoons!
There are three dispensers (sold in a set of 3, or a set of 2, or individually) - one dispenser for plastic wrap, one for foil, and one for wax paper. I haven't seen one for parchment yet, so I just cut my roll of parchment down and put in the wax paper dispenser. Such a time saver, especially with plastic wrap which can be soooo frustrating. I have given sets to my Mom and DIL and they both them!
I purchased mine (set of 3) at QVC, but I just checked and I don’t see them. WrapMaster has a website where they can be purchased; I think they are also available on Amazon, and probably several other sites.
P.S. Why do I have to register everytime in order to sign in? This just started recently, and it is annoying...