I was just reading some of the past posts regarding testing of blood glucose levels for diabetics. I'm sure most of the diabetics out their who do their own tests are aware of the need to insure the area they are testing (fingers) is clean. A reminder never goes astray though.
A little while ago, my mother (non diabetic) who tests my dad's levels, makes us all take a test if we are visiting at the time. She insisted on doing mine (I had been eating cake covered in powdered sugar - pre FTS) and she almost whipped the plate from under my nose as the reading was so high. She thought I was about to go into a diabetic coma
I calmed her down and washed my hands - she re-did the test and it was normal. She never used to wipe dad's finger or get him to wash his hands. The powdered sugar gave a false reading. Working in aged care (both in home and in facilities), I found a lot of people failed to do this simple step. (In facilities, proper procedures are in place).