Author Topic: What am I missing?  (Read 3095 times)


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What am I missing?
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:47:45 AM »
Hello, I love your book! I have read Atkins, S.Beach but it wasn't until I read your book that it all clicked in a very simple explanation. I feel that I am armed with all the tools necessary to succeed and that I have this inner desire to be the person I want to be but and, this is a BIG but I continue to fail. I know that failing is part of the process and that getting up off the mat after each knockdown is essential. I feel I begin each day with the knowledge, skill and desire to stay on plan. But again and again and again, I fail to complete. Depressing. I eat a great low carb breakfast, water, black coffee. Lunch is always low carb salad with meat, cheese and olive oil dressing. Then I get home from work and here is where it gets bad. I am very hungry when I walk in the door. If dinner is not ready at that moment, I snack, at first it is low carb but maybe not. Then I have dinner which I consume like it is my last meal. Currently, I have 4 college age kids all home for the summer, all with different eating habits. My wife basically buys food around their lifestyle so there is just too much opportunity to get off track and I do.
I head for bed depressed at myself for the failure. Thankfully I begin each day as a new challenge of sticking to this WOL but the cycle continues. What am I missing? Any small secrets out there to help stay on course. Am I not eating enough that I am starved when I get home from work? Life is so short  and I know I can be successful but I feel I am missing some key link. Is it accountability? Any help is appreciated. Thanks


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Re: What am I missing?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2012, 07:17:27 AM »
Hello Buckster.  I'm not sure that you are missing anything.  I've read your previous posts and the great suggestions you have received from everyone here.  There a couple things that come to mind that might sabotage you.  First of all when I started FTS I cleaned out our house of all the high carb don't have that available to you because of your college kids and the different foods readily available that might not be FTS.  You need your family to help back you up in reaching your goal.  Find all the FTS friendly foods you want to have available for snacks; nuts, 0 carb pork rinds, meat sticks, 0 carb chicken vienna, 0 carb potted meat, etc.  Designate a space in the cabinet to keep these snacks and let everyone know these are for're not supposed to eat their snacks so place them out of sight (out of sight-out of mind).  Same thing in the fridge, put 0 carb cheeses, pepperoni sticks, boiled eggs, etc in that area; again designate that this is your area.  Explain you need the family's support here.  Is your wife preparing your FTS dinner or is that up to you?  If you are eating what the rest of the family is eating maybe it's not FTS and you are still getting carbs you're not wanting.  High protein for me was the key (great because I love just about any meat you can place in front me LOL).  Something else I thought about was your training for running.  I have always been told that exercise increases muscle weight and might slow down weight loss.  I'm not sure how much you want to loose but I had a total of 60 pounds and it has taken me over a year to be a little over halfway to my goal.  I have been exceptionally pleased with my ability to stick to FTS except about 3 weeks ago on a trip I ate an item or 2 that usually don't pass my lips.  As for starving when you get home I'm out of my league there.  When I eat FTS (when I am hungry) I am usually not all that hungry in the evenings and am hard pressed to plan an evening meal to feed my husband.  Hope I didn't ramble and gave you a few ideas.  Good Luck. Suz
Look out Hawaii, I'm on my way!!


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Re: What am I missing?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2012, 09:06:55 AM »
Suz did a great job of addressing the basic themes.  A pantry full of non-FTS foods is going to derail you if you are hungry.  I know about that because I used to walk in the door from work and head to the kitchen for whatever I could get my hands on. 

The way to fix that problem is to eat a high protein snack as you are winding down your work day or driving home.  This takes some planning because most office vending machines aren't going to have what you need.  Nuts, hard boiled eggs, pepperoni sticks or any of the many other snacking suggestions you can find on the forum will give you an FTS friendly mini-meal and you can walk into the house without hunger on your mind.  Water will help, too, but if you are truly hungry, you need to eat.

Once you figure out what to eat, change your "just getting home" routine.  Your feet can take you to another part of the house or into the backyard.  Change out of your work clothes and do something besides graze. 

And, OMG, 4 kids in college at once!  I had three and thought I was going to the poor house!  Besides the financial part, that's a lot of personality in one house and that is really stressful.  Choosing FTS is something you are doing for yourself. 


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Re: What am I missing?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2012, 12:49:43 PM »
Welcome to the FTS family, buckster!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)

Your fellow FTS family members have given you some excellent advice.

A major part of your FTS journey is learning WHAT your body really needs and WHEN it needs it.
The other major part is knowing how your body responds to changes in what you eat.

If you're starving when you get home, that tells me that your body needs more fuel (i.e. food) between your lunchtime and when you arrive home.

That's where low (or no) carb snacks are so handy.
Some of my favorites are; almonds, pecans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pepperoni sticks, string cheese, hard boiled eggs, pork rinds, and protein bars.

My wife and I live alone.
When I started FTS, she was not yet on board with low carb living.
So I asked for her support and made a "place" in the pantry and fridge for my foods.
She was gracious and understanding about it.
As my progress became apparent, she got on board and the rest is history.

You have the most important ingredient to success... That is commitment!
Commitment means never giving up no matter what happens.
With a few life circumstance changes, you CAN and WILL reach your goal!

And always remember, we're here to help you reach your goal and beyond! :) :) :)

What you do today is what matters!


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Re: What am I missing?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2012, 08:35:33 PM »
Thank you all so much for your care and suggestions. I love the idea of setting aside some space in both pantry and refrig for my fts food. Also, the suggestion of snacking before I get home is great. I need to do some shopping for the snacks. Lastly, yes my wife does the cooking and sometime it is limited with fts food and I will have to address that. Again, thank you for your support.


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Re: What am I missing?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2012, 09:17:40 PM »
I think everyone just about covered it all, but WELCOME to the family buckster13.  May your journey be fulfilling.


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Re: What am I missing?
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2012, 11:39:10 PM »
Welcome to the forum family Buckster  :) 
Everyone has given great advice already.  I'm just wondering if you aren't eating enough if you are that hungry at the end of the day?  Also have you detoxed through all the sugar as of yet?  If you are still in detox some folks have the cravings and may even mistake hunger for other things like habit or thirst.  Just throwing some ideas for you to think about.  I always have an emergency pack in my car at all times...haha  meat sticks, nuts, sugar free candy, etc....   With FTS you have to be like a boy scout....always be prepared  ;D ;D   You would be surprised what a handful of nuts and a bottle of water on your drive home will do for you  ;)  (works for me every time)  Trust me you never want to be starving and will not be thinking in the right frame of mind  :-\ 

PS  Bless your heart!!  4 in college????   WOW  :o   :o


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Re: What am I missing?
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2012, 12:03:49 PM »
You make an excellent point about false hunger and cravings during sugar detox, Shawn! :)

Another point I forgot to make...
Assuming that one is past detox, one can still get hungry sooner while eating enough food, but not enough protein.
Protein keeps hunger away longer than anything else.
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: Re: What am I missing?
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2012, 02:22:27 PM »
Welcome buckster 8) I am umpa dougs wife if I can help you please ask. I have a column on the homepage called ask umpa where I can convert your favorite foods to fat to skinny friendly. Lots of great advice here.8)