Author Topic: Confession  (Read 10549 times)


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Re: Confession
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2012, 02:08:13 PM »
Don't worry, we'll catch you :) This is what I want you to do, Right now I want you to eat as much protein a you can stuff down your face. Eat a giant steak or all the chicken you can eat, ground beef, what ever you have.. Eat so much that you feel stuffed...really stuffed. Drink water, water, water along with all the protein to avoid constipation. When you feel hungry again...which won't be for quite a while do it again... Do this for 4 or 5 days in a row...Protein, protein, protein. After 4 or 5 days all your cravings will disappear and you can start cutting back on portions and adding approved veggies.
I promise you that you'll be so full you won't have any room for any junk.

This is SO TRUE!  If I am feeling like I am craving something at night (especially after I've eaten carby stuff during the day) I will have a glass of protein powder that's 0 sugar and 0 carb and it STOPS the cravings. I think our bodies need more protein than we give them credit for.


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Re: Confession
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2012, 10:14:08 AM »
*hugs* Sherri... I hope your sister is doing better!

 Sugar and Flour are my Crack and Heroin. I am just like so many of the others here... I can't stop at one piece of cake or one roll. My body is obviously sensitive to carbs because it stores them away like a squirrel prepping for winter... but I ignored that for years. But you can't change the past... just have to try again tomorrow. I don't think anyone here judges.
  Best advice... keep hanging out is the best thing for me...when I am geeking out and just HUNGRY... I grab a big glass of something diet and hop on here to read all the encouragement and success stories. I may come off a little crazy sometimes... but that's just the sugar cravings talking. :) They have actually gotten a lot better. It's so cool how you lose the desire after you go through detox.
GOOD LUCK! *hugs*


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Re: Confession
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2012, 01:38:36 PM »
I agree with what everyone else has said...clear out your cabinets. I also found that it is hard to do if you have temptation staring you in your face. I will also say, know how to catch yourself. Every person is going to have a sweet tooth here and there, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you deprive yourself of that completely you "fall off the wagon". Have things on hand to whip something FTS approved up quickly when that craving hits you. It stops feeling like a diet when you do that, and more like a lifestyle change. I'm currently 7 weeks pregnant, and I have definitely found that I have different cravings, amazingly though...not for sweets all that much. I wanted ice cream the other night, and I allowed myself to have some of my low carb ice cream. And I didn't feel guilty about it. My current craving however...chili! LOL Good luck to you, and believe that you can do it. And if you do fall, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start over. :)


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Re: Confession
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2012, 06:33:32 PM »
Newme11 let me know what cravings you have as your pregnancy goes along, I love a challenge! ;)


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Re: Confession
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2012, 07:31:52 PM »
I will make sure and do that Umpa!!! So far the only major craving has been mango smoothies...any ideas on that? I've had a hard time with this because most things in smoothies are high in sugar!
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 07:36:09 PM by NewMe11 »


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Re: Confession
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2012, 06:25:46 PM »
Congratulations on your pregnancy!