Hello everyone, I'd like to ask a favor from you. Could you please help me spread the word about our wonderful low carb
weight loss forum.
http://www.fattoskinny.net Over the past 2 years I've had a blessed experience being a part of the most wonderful family of people helping people that I've ever known. No-one is judgmental, no-one is selfish, everyone simply wants to pass our combined knowledge forward. Because of this wonderful attitude we all share, countless people have benefited from our family forum. Over 50,000 posts have been placed on the WWW for people all over the globe to enjoy, recipes, tips and personal experiences.
My goal for 2013 is to double our membership. This will bring more and more people forward to pass forward the truth we've all learned about the benefits of eating low carb and sugar free.
You can help by praising the benefits of this wonderful site on your social network pages like like Facebook, My Space, Twitter, blogs and others as well as sharing our URL to your friends and family.
God Bless and thank-you in advance!
Doug and Sherri (Umpa)