Ok, so we had breakfast for dinner last night so I tackled the beast! I needed its debut appearance on the carboholics plates to be a good one, so I decided on hash browns (no one can resist a hash brown, right?). So, I grated it, parboiled it (some recipes do, some don't, I was trying to boil the crunch out of it), drained it well, then fried it with a little green bell pepper and onion. Took forever and a day to brown, but end result was really good. Both hubby and 15yr old daughter gave it the thumbs up (and daughter is not even watching carbs)!
Once it browned, it tasted much sweeter than it did after just boiling. Enough so, that a light bulb came on in my head to use it as an apple in baking! I am "seeing" a tartlet made with either a LC pie crust or a pecan crust, topped with pre-cooked jicama slices, then sprinkled with cinnamon and sweetener. Served warm with whipped cream, BOOM!