Hi, pennygirl!
Thanks to the FDA's lax rules about carb counts on food labels, closer inspection is required.
Looking at the ingredients list, I'd be VERY suspicious of the carb count on the nutrition label.
http://www.nasoya.com/products/shirataki/shirataki_spaghetti.htmlRemember that ingredients lists are sorted by amount of each ingredient (from the most to the least).
Notice the that 2nd ingredient is potato starch (above the 3rd, konjac flour)?
Potato starch is the essence of net carbs in potatoes.
And why we don't eat potatoes!
For comparison, look at noodles made from konjac flour without carby additives;
http://www.asianfoodgrocer.com/product/jfc-white-shirataki-noodlesNotice that NO carby ingredients are present.
This is what I do when reading food labels...
First, I check the carb count on the nutrition label.
If it looks good (like it does with Nosoya Zero Pasta), I then check the ingredients list.
If ANY one or more of the first three ingredients is known to be high carb, I do not buy the product.
There are many other products out there with even more suspicious labeling.
But the ingredients lists must be accurate, by FDA rules.