Author Topic: Needing Helpful Ideas for Holiday Temptations  (Read 2404 times)


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Needing Helpful Ideas for Holiday Temptations
« on: November 21, 2014, 02:07:03 PM »
Hi Y'all - I'm LaLa.  I'm 54, 5'3" and 228 lbs.  I went to see my doctor last week for refills on my maintenance medications.  He pretty much told me that unless I lose weight and get my blood work under control that I would never see my newborn granddaughter graduate high school :'(.  My doctor recommended the Protein Power and wanted me to give it a try.

I ordered the Protein Power book online but happened across the Fat to Skinny book first.  The information is so incredible. :o

My question is for those who have been on this eating plan for a while.  Share some insights and secrets for getting through the holidays and all the food temptations.  

I told my Dr. this was a hard time of the year to try and change my eating habits and he told me that was only an excuse.  And you know what, he was right!!  I'm gonna do this.

Thanks for any pointers!!
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 10:48:09 AM by Doug Varrieur »


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Re: Needing Helpful Ideas for Holiday Temptations
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2014, 07:46:34 PM »
Welcome to the FTS family, LalaK!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)

Congratulations on making the decision to take control of your health.

When I started FTS, I was type II diabetic with high blood pressure, high blood triglycerides, and lousy cholesterol numbers. And... I was taking 5 medications to treat all this!

A bit after 6 months of living the FTS lifestyle in a committed way,
my doctor took me off ALL my meds and told me I was no longer diabetic!!! ;D ;D ;D
FTS will make you MUCH healthier IF you commit 100% to it.

The holidays are the most challenging time of year for most people to make big positive changes in the way they eat.

So NOW is the time to plan what your going to eat on the upcoming holidays.
Look at our recipes for ideas. There are TONS of healthy alternatives.

And if there is a particular recipe you like and would like converted to low-carb,
Umpa (Doug's wife) has a section of the forum for conversions;

And if you have any questions, need a little support, or just want to vent,
we'll be right here to help you! :)

What you do today is what matters!


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Re: Needing Helpful Ideas for Holiday Temptations
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2014, 12:15:05 AM »
Hi LaLa welcome to the family!!   Prepare yourself for how good you will feel once you get the hang of the Fat to Skinny way.  Tony is right though... the holidays are very challenging especially when you are first venturing into this lifestyle change.  Having a good understanding as to where all the sugar is hiding in your food choices will help immensely.  My biggest piece of advice to anyone is to prepare, prepare, prepare.  Having something with you to have instead of that high carb stuff staring you down and calling your name will help to keep you on track.  We have tons of recipes listed here on the forum geared for the holiday season, but if you have anything special in mind please let us know.  Umpa is a mad scientist in the kitchen  :D  and don't forget we are all here to support each other.  Lean on us when you need to.   ;)

Just a helpful hint if you haven't found it already, there is a search bar just under the top right hand corner of the page.  You can type any key word in and it will search the forum for that subject.  Just be sure you are starting from the home page so it will search the entire forum.  If you search while in a thread (such as this one) it will only search in that area.  So for instance if you search "Thanksgiving" you will find all of the wonderful recipes we have found to replace all the favorite dishes.  We've had tons of fun with recipe contest in the past.  I don't know about anyone else but I've got my mouth watering for a piece of pecan pie next Thursday  Or maybe some of that upside down pumpkin pie Hmmmm decisions decisions  Haha  ;D ;D