I'm feeling so much better these days that in addition to my 5x/week morning cardio/resistance training I've been adding another 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer at the Fire Station where I work. I've been doing this now for two weeks and just weighed myself again last night and lost another 6 lbs.
Let me stress that I have not taken this
weight loss as license to augment my diet with additional carbs. I know myself all too well and I cannot allow myself even one minute of diet-conscience-lapse or I will spiral downward very quickly. What I am saying is that as we feel better, we can add additional exercise into our regimens and experience not just more
weight loss, but more energy, strength, and general well-being.
I also want to say that given my plethora of health problems that if I can do this, anyone can.
Don't let temporary setbacks sidetrack you from your ultimate goals. I have diet and exercise accountability partners (that's why I go to our community rec center to work out) and that helps keep me on the straight and narrow. If you find yourself struggling, get some good friends involved in those areas. Goals are nothing without accountability.