Author Topic: Losing it but slowly now  (Read 2332 times)


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Losing it but slowly now
« on: October 15, 2010, 11:34:45 PM »
The weight is still coming off. It started out quickly. I lost 20 in 2 months. But, now I'm at a plateau, for about 2 months. I've lost 2 more but, can't get it off as quickly as when I started. I'm not upset, just getting impatient. I know this works and I know I need to add more exercise. I lost the weight & only went to the gym once a week. I use to go daily & never lost. The good thing is that I'm not gaining. So, I know I have to increase exercise. I'm not being stricked on my carb counting, though I do keep it under 20 most of the time and only go over maybe 10 carbs once in a while.  I'll keep updating as it comes off.


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Re: Losing it but slowly now
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2010, 06:47:49 AM »
Hey Lori, don't get discouraged.  This is a life time commitment and the benefits other than losing weight make it so worthwhile.  The change I have seen in my husband since we started 4 months ago is nothing short of a miracle.  He hasn't lost a tremendous amount of weight yet  but I can see him getting smaller right before my eyes and his quality of life, well, he is like a different man.  We have to all stay strong and be here for each other, especially with the holidays coming ;)

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Re: Losing it but slowly now
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2010, 08:37:18 AM »
Just what Paula said ! ;D


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Re: Losing it but slowly now
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2010, 11:49:00 AM »
Wow you lost a great deal in two months!  It took me about 4-5 to loose that.  Don't give up but going over your carbs even once in a while does affect your loss.  Everyone looses based on their body metabolism and sometimes it adjusts for a while.  The biggest thing for me was inches....I've lost a lot of inches which is more important than weight.  Remember, if you are working out you build muscle which ironically weights more than fat.  Go by your clothing as a gauge. I went from a size 16 to a 10 and still going down in size so I know it's working.  Try cutting down on your carbs and eating more protein for a while to get it going again.  It think that is what Doug has recommended to others and me.  It will come off and I can totally understand the impatience. lol  We want fast results and sometimes our bodies fight us on that wish. lol

I agree with Paula on the total affect of this program being a mind and body change.  I feel so much better both physically and mentally.  I am a changed woman!
Peace and blessings,


Total Lost on FTS 37lbs: Maintaining size 8 and feeling great!


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Re: Losing it but slowly now
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2010, 02:09:20 PM »
Hi Lori,  :)

Do your best not to exceed 20 net carbs per day.
It may be that your personal carb limit (max # of carbs for weight maintenance) is close to that amount.
Doug has said many times that his personal limit is 20 per day.

Also, Doug in his book suggests eliminating food with sugar alcohols (sweeteners) when you hit a plateau for a while and see what happens. If this does not work, further carb cutting may be needed.
What you do today is what matters!