Author Topic: Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS  (Read 3574 times)


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Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:17:05 PM »
Hi there,

I was on Atkins for 2 months and lost a total of 4lbs which continually went up and down. I fell off a few times and each time I went back on I lost a few pounds and the weight just bounced around within a few pounds and I could never break a certain level/number on the scale.. got frustrated and binged and now I weigh more than when I started two months ago.

Also, I became extremely addicted to the Atkins bars and shakes.

I liked how I felt when I was doing low-carb but I am very nervous about all the fat particularly since I didn't really lose much. 

I know Fat to Skinny is more of a lifestyle plan so you don't have to worry about induction etc. but I am reluctant to start it because I don't want to be let down again by yet another plan.

Any suggestions or encouragement from people who didn't have much success with Atkins but found weight loss with this plan.



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Re: Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2010, 03:10:57 PM »
Hi lowcarbnic! I am umpa dougs wife .I have a column on the homepage called ask umpa where I can help you convert your favorite recipes to fat to skinny friendly.If I can help you please ask.The difference between atkins and fat to skinny is we are a lifestyle change and we don't take away your favorite foods we replace them.That way you don't add the sugar back into your life so you don't gain the weight back.Be brave! Get into the program, you have nothing to lose but weight! You can reach me anytime on the forum.You will find there is a great group of people here with alot of experience.They are all here to help you and each other.We are all in the same boat so grab a paddle and start rowing!!!! :D


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Re: Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2010, 03:17:13 PM »
Thanks for replying so quickly.

Do you know of people who did Atkins without much success and then did FTS and actually lost and maintained the weight?

Right now I'm debating between The Fat Flush Plan and FTS and I just don't know which way to go because I can't seem to lose weight with cheese, nuts and cream like Atkins but I find the Fat Flush Plan very restrictive and know it won't be long before I fall off the plan out of boredom.



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Re: Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2010, 03:23:44 PM »
Diets don't work. Try Fat to Skinny for one month you will not be disapointed.You will fell like a million bucks! There are alot of people on the forum that have tried atkins with no weight loss and have lost weight on fat to skinnyThat is because we replace your favorite foods.You do not feel deprived, because nothing is being taken away.You can eat out.We have cake ,bread, pasta, pies, cookies,ice cream,etc.Show me that on atkins????I am writing the next book in the fat to skinny series right now called the Fat to Skinny Bakery.the last recipe i just added was coconut bread.....very yummy. ;)


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Re: Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2010, 03:38:04 PM »
Thanks again. Before I buy the book and  commit can you please tell me if this lifestyle recommends Atkins products. I found they stalled me and I was very addicted to them on Atkins.  The reason I am asking is because I notice on this forum that some people use the bars and shakes and I just wanted to know if you recommend them at all.  The kinds of food the book suggests will give me a better insight as to whether this is for me or not.

Also, how do you feel about herbal coffee. I believe it's 1 carb per cup. I am caffeine sensitive and believe this may be another reason my weight loss stall on Atkins.

Thanks so much and sorry if I am bugging you. It's just that I was so let down on Atkins and am intrigued by FTS but just don't want to be dissappointed again.

Thanks so very much, Nic

Doug Varrieur

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Re: Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2010, 04:03:45 PM »
Hi Nic, no, we don't recommend Atkins's a shame they went into the food business instead of continuing Dr. Atkins dream of helping people. Now get up off your butt, spend your ten bucks and let's get you skinny. If you follow FTS your life will change forever....the key to it all is your desire to have the "want to"   ;)
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Re: Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2010, 04:09:24 PM »
THANK YOU!  I'm going to get the book this weekend and get started.  The program actually sounds great. I've been checking out low carb/no sugar substitutes and it sounds like a world without deprivation!

Wish me luck!


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Re: Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2010, 05:21:00 PM »
lowcarbinic, welcome to the greatest forum on earth.  I, like you , never had any luck with Atkins or South Beach.  I have been on FTS for 2 months and because I didn't have a whole lot of weight to lose my weight loss is not dramatic, but I have consistently lost and the average is slightly over 1 lb per week.  The great thing is I never feel deprived and feel so amazing since ridding my body of sugar.  Once you learn how to replace things you really like with other healthier things, you never miss them.  I still use the Atkins bars for meal replacements when I am in a hurry and they are a great convenience but not a regular part of my diet.  Love the gg bran crispbreads with Doug's combination of beanit butter and smuckers natural peanut butter, sometimes I melt the peanut butter together with some sugar free choc chips for a quickie cookie replacement, yummy!  Have fun with it!

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Re: Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2010, 04:47:42 PM »
Ok Umpa, I even searched for the coconut bread recipe - I can't find It!!!!!!!!



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Re: Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2010, 06:57:06 PM »
 :D :D :D :D Toddy i haven't posted it yet! Its in the new cookbook.If you want it go to the homepage and go to Ask Umpa and ask for my coconut bread recipe.Nobody will find it if I give it to you here on this atkins subject bar ;)


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Re: Tried Atkins & Didn't Lose, Afraid to try FTS
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2010, 07:27:23 PM »
LOL talk about hot off the press!
I will do that xx