Hello Alex,
I'm so sorry to hear that you were verbally abused by folks at a WW meeting.
Unfortunately, some folks have a lot of anger lurking under the surface.
If you in any way call into question something they deeply believe in, they will often become harsh, abrasive, etc..
This is because they see your viewpoint as a "threat".
When an angry person is threatened, some form of hostility is sure to arise.
The best way to handle a situation like the one Alex ran into WW, is not try to "force" the issue.
Just let it be, knowing that you have a lifestyle that is making you healthy.
After you've reached your goal, you will be a walking testimony to the effectiveness of F2S.
And after all is said and done, our health is the most important consideration.
Plus, you can rest assured knowing that you will be supported by your F2S family!