Author Topic: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!  (Read 6238 times)


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I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« on: March 04, 2010, 04:26:25 PM »
Hi Doug,


We met on a flight out of Asheville SC.  You handed me a copy of your book because, you saw I needed it.  Not only do I love the book but it is my story too.  I, however, went to Marsh’s Men’s Store in Huntington Long Island, not only for my special (spelled husky) jeans, but for my special (spelled husky) boy scout uniform.  My mother also told me I was not fat, just big boned!


I did manage to knock off 50 LBS at the age of 18 with the help of a diet pill and a 1200 calorie diet.  I kept the weight off for several years thanks to Uncle Sam’s idea of daily activity and the sweat boxes called San Antonio and Amarillo Texas and then Alexandria Louisiana.  After the Air Force I was 6’ 1” and 215 lbs. of muscle. Imagine my shock when I was turned down for a job with Addressograph Co. because I was “obese”!  the doctor, by the way, weighed in over 300 lbs and had a pint of Jack Daniels in his desk drawer to keep his red nose from turning pink again.


Anyhow, I got another job and a second and third job (short order cook) to support the wife, new baby and new mortgage – I was working too hard to put on weight -----.  I found that I did not play well in the sandbox with others so I went into business and developed a commercial roofing company with a friend.  THAT kept me thin too.  I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain an ounce. As soon as we were big enough to get me off the roof or kettle or what ever, I slowly started to gain.  The less exercise I got, the more I gained.  After a series of other non athletic businesses I ended up weighing over 375 lbs.  with type 2 diabetes and a distinct aversion to exercise – it was painful, sweaty and more unpleasant the fatter I got.  Add a detached ACL on one leg and a ruptured Achilles tendon on the other and I had 2 more good excuses not to exercise.  I bought into the BS that my body had a natural set point for me and it was 350+ lbs.  Ain’t denial a wonderful thing?


I tried a couple of diets (even the half grapefruit – black coffee etc and soon decided that it wouldn’t make me live any longer – it would just feel that way.


Weight watchers did work but for personal reasons I dropped out and within 3 years put back the 42 LBs I lost.


I don’t believe in coincidences.  When you handed me that book it was just after a conversation with my girlfriend that if I wanted to live I HAD to do something about my weight FOR ME.  I was totally at a loss as to what.


Well, along came Doug and handed me a book which has changed my life.  For the first time I understand WHY I wasn’t losing weignt.  Now, everything I look at that is edible I convert to spoons of sugar and am beginning to gag at the thought of eating that much sugar.  I shared the book with a close friend and we both attacked the system.  (she tried to buy your book on the internet but it was not yet in print).


I am down 36 LBs  Yesterday I weighed in at 346.2 = that is lower than the lowest weight watchers mark that took a year and a half to hit.  It is not difficult and I still have not implemented your full plan.  Just eliminating the carbs and sugars is getting it done.  It also dropped my daily blood sugar from the 130s – to 140s down to between 80 and 115 and even if I cheat (Sunday is my cheat a little day) and have a Domino’s Thin Crust Pizza at 11:00 at night, my blood sugar was only 124 the next morning at 7:30.


Doug, I know it was not a coincidence, but I want to thank you for seeing my distress and giving me your wonderful gift of weight control.  I will stay in touch to keep you up to date.


May your book hit the NY Slimes “Best Seller List” and stay there for a year.  Best wishes and a thousand thanks.




PS – my friend Paula lost about 18 lbs too.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 02:20:09 PM by FAT TO SKINNY reader »

Doug Varrieur

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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 02:22:01 PM »
VERY cool Neil!
Keep The Faith, Stay The Course, Spread The Word on Facebook and Twitter  8)


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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 02:35:00 PM »
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story Neil!  :)

Have you ever noticed how our moms (God bless 'em) see us a "big boned" and not FAT?
I heard that too throughout my youth.
And although I do have a large frame with large bones, it NEVER accounted for all that FAT around my middle!

This is why we need to make the decision for OURSELVES to change our lifestyles to change our bodies.
The F2S lifestyle will make that change happen!
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2011, 07:20:47 PM »
Great story, Neil!  We will look forward to hearing the ending as you keep us updated on your progress here on the forum!

This kind of post is really great for anyone to read, but I'll bet it made Doug feel extra wonderful!  I am curious though, and maybe Doug can comment...

Doug, if you carry one or two of your books with you, how do you tactfully give it to someone on an airplane?  I'm thinking that maybe this was after the two of you had a conversation?

I'm in the computer business, and I would feel a little funny saying to one of my customers, "Here, you really need this" as I hand them a copy of "Windows for Dummies" (even if they really did need it!).

Anyway, Neil, keep up the great work!



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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2011, 08:06:02 AM »
Scott he pokes in the belly! :D

Doug Varrieur

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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2011, 08:08:47 AM » tact, I'll tell you the story. I was boarding he plane and as I was walking down the isle it was stop and go as people placed their bags overhead. I was stopped next to Neil. I looked down at him and couldn't help but notice how stuffed into the seat he was. Neil was also sweating and looked really uncomfortable. Without saying a word I unzipped my laptop bag and took out a book.......I simply tapped him on the shoulder and handed him the book at the same time saying "you need this my friend". Without another word I moved down the isle and sat in my seat. I caught up with Neil about an hour later and he had read about half the book. He was very grateful and thanked me for the gift.  ;) we introduced ourselves to each other and Neil told me that just that morning he had found out he was diabetic and had prayed for an answer.....there were tears in his eyes when he told me the story.
Keep The Faith, Stay The Course, Spread The Word on Facebook and Twitter  8)


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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2011, 09:55:05 AM »

That is hilarious and yet frightening at the same time!


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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2011, 10:31:45 AM »
What a great encounter.  Wow Doug, talk about being used of God to answer someone's prayer.  I have no problem talking with strangers, but it would take some courage to hand someone a copy of that book.  You are clearly committed to your vision.  Well done.

You have to many people have bought your book and changed their life forever, and you never even know about it.


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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2011, 11:52:31 AM »
Guess what? I had an encounter like that with Doug, too.... kind of ... he was on TV ..... God knew that I would have crumbled under a personal encounter so he put Doug on the 700 Club and had my TV tuned to that channel when I turned it on one Wednesday morning last April. 


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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2011, 01:46:48 PM »
Guess what? I had an encounter like that with Doug, too.... kind of ... he was on TV ..... God knew that I would have crumbled under a personal encounter so he put Doug on the 700 Club and had my TV tuned to that channel when I turned it on one Wednesday morning last April. 

My experience meeting Doug was identical to owensmath's.
Only I met him one morning in July 2010 while watching the 700 Club.

I don't think I would have crumbled at a face-to-face meeting.
But I probably would have thought, "Who the heck does this guy think he is?"... until I read the book.
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2011, 01:58:56 PM »
my f2s moment came when my sister heard Doug speaking on a local radio station interview.  I mean really when you think about it how many actually listen to interviews about book authors???  But, needless to say thankful she heard it ordered the book and not looking back to a lifestyle with sugar.  Since then have slowly gotten a friend to eliminate the "junk food(pasta, potatoes, etc the junk) ;)" out of her house and she in turn bought the book and has shared with all her co-workers at an elderly facility.  You, know the thing with this book and lifestyle is even if you are thinner by nature the health benefits alone after cutting the sugars and carbs down is wonderful.  Always, thought the middle child blessed with being thinner was "thin" but, now she is thin and toned and healthier (less moody).  So, I think even active children can benefit with a few less grains of sugar in their blood streams(lowering their carbs doesnt decrease their energy either).  Really, just goes to show though how "encounters" however, made enhance countless lives.  The even better part of this book is that unlike others who write cookbooks you have the opportunity to have Doug and Umpa there to offer you support.  They, are real people that can help us achieve our goal and aren't just names on a cover  :)


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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2011, 02:31:05 PM »
That is great, we always love to hear good stories.


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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2011, 09:43:04 AM »


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Re: I Met Doug On A I'm down 36 pounds!
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2011, 02:03:20 AM »
Right opportunity, right place...right time ;)  Good job for choosing health and stick to it.
Peace and blessings,


Total Lost on FTS 37lbs: Maintaining size 8 and feeling great!