medications do not help women.
We need cholesterol to live and our body will make it as needed regardless of what we eat or don't eat.
Read more at , and and what your doctor considers a healthy number. The numbers of what was once considered healthy and now considered healthy has dropped so far that people are having more health problems trying to get their number lower. The lower you get, the cancer rates exponentially increase.
My dad insisted that he needed to take Lipitor to prevent a heart attack and ended up with Leukemia within 2-3 years instead and died two years later. Not necessary. The anti-cholesterol medication gave him instant side effects which he and his doctor ignored...and simply treated with more useless prescriptions...compounding the problem.
Consider the healthy cholesterol numbers of societies that once had little disease from heart attacks, cancer, stroke, etc. and what happens when those numbers are artificially lowered and you can see that the Cholesterol Myth is just that.
However, if your cholesterol levels are truly excessive, that means that the infection fighting cholesterol is simply in place and doing its job. Sugar and other body intolerable substances are causing inflammation somewhere in your body and extra cholesterol properties (bandaids) are needed to protect you/your body.
While you are on the correct diet, your fat has been storing nasty stuff. Releasing it as you decrease in size is creating a job for your body to protect you from the inflammatory toxins that have been stored. Be patient. Your life saving fatty acid levels will eventually return to levels (a number) that is indicative that you are less toxic with inflammatory substances than previous.
Until then, there is really nothing you can do about it. The body rules. And it really rules well when we eat Fat To Skinny. Also look for the topic on this forum that I posted: 20 Diet Myths: Busted
All the best,