Many of you know, that a while back, I got hooked on nicitine! It was by far one of the hardest habbits, I could have ever imagine to have to break! OMG! (I tell you this though, without my husbands help, I couldn't have done it!)I just never realized how badly hooked I was with it! But, it's been a few weeks, I still have the urge, but, no way, I'm going through the first week of headaches again!! So not worth it! First week was Miserable!! But after a few weeks, it got easier, and less "stressful."
In other news
On Nov. 9th, my husband and I are going to Jefferson City, Missouri, soooo....I can take three different tests in order to become a corrections officer! Our landlord, she and I have been talking and she said that the tests are super easy not to worry, and she's basicly been giving me a walk through. So, fingers crossed for Nov. 9th!! She said it took her 6 months to get in. I accomplished getting my cdl class b liscense to drive the school bus, I know for a fact I can do this! In order to get ready, the family and myself have been walking(me running half of it)the football field track in the evenings! Time to step up my game!