Week 5 - 'golly gosh'
time just seems to fly. As much as I enjoy eating the FTS way, cravings just want to linger. All I imagined this week was a huge bowl of fettucini cabonara. Yum. Please don't tell me to substitute with zuccini - I would rather just skip it. How accurate are scales anyway? I weighed myself this morning about same usual time and had lost some weight, but when weighed myself about 3 hours later (no food or drink in intervening time) just before my shower I hopped on and it dropped down a significant amount. (joyous) Disbelief. Hopped off then on and up it went. Poo! Decided to disregard that effort and went with the earlier (smaller) loss - I figured if it was more it can catch up to me next week.
Well here we go - ta dah - another 2lb is consigned to the universe to find a new home.
A total of 13lbs donated in a good cause.