Great topic, Morgan!
Before FTS, with the exceptions of when I played football and when I worked the shipyards,
I ALWAYS saw a FAT MAN in the mirror.
For some reason. he looked even BIGGER in pictures.
This is why I avoided being in picture's whenever possible.
This negative self-image (i.e. self-perception) led to more and more eating for comfort.
I figured, what the heck!... I'm FAT so I might as well over-enjoy eating.
It made me feel "better" (at least during the time I was stuffing my face).
I lived in this cycle until I found FTS which changed EVERYTHING including my attitude toward my body.
Umpa's so very right!... We MUST accept and love ourselves for who and what we are TODAY!!!
If we do not, no amount of
weight loss will lead to contentment with ourselves.
This is why anorexics believe their fat REGARDLESS of reality.
This is not to say that we should not see room for improvement... I think that's why we're all here.
But we should not allow our "imperfections" define our self-images.
Now, every time I look in the mirror, I no longer see a FAT man.
I see a man with a little weight to lose, and on his way to losing it! And FAR healthier too!