Author Topic: Questions from "Old" Gastric Bypass Patient  (Read 2260 times)


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Questions from "Old" Gastric Bypass Patient
« on: August 20, 2012, 05:53:55 PM »
Had gastric bypass 11 years ago.  Though I'm still down 100 lbs. post-surgery, the additional 60 I'd lost has crept back on over the past 5 years.  Hubby quit smoking roughly the same time I had the surgery and has also gained an extra 50 lbs.  Two weeks ago, we decided to try low carb eating after running across FTS on Amazon while searching out low carb cookbooks.  Ordered it, and it came last Friday.  What I'm wondering is what impact, if any, will my bypass surgery have in trying to follow FTS weight-loss plan and is there anything I need to be doing differently? 

I should also report that since we started trying to blunder our way into low carb eating 2 weeks ago, my husband has lost 7 lbs. and so have I.  Also, since Doug's book arrived, we've been eating a whole lot better than the we did that first week-and-a-half.  Recipes we've tried are fantastic!  Today we began our 3rd week, and we're both feeling great.  Thanks, Doug!