Author Topic: The square box on the floor....  (Read 6934 times)


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Re: The square box on the floor....
« Reply #30 on: May 11, 2013, 02:06:56 AM »
Hi Susie -- I know where Redlands is.  I used to live in Pomona, and go to Hespieria to see my family at times.  Tony -- good for you for escaping California -- I would love to move but hub's job is here and that's not likely to change.  The owner of his company talks about Boise sometimes and asked him on day, "If we moved the company, and want to take you and Elizabeth with us, what do you think her reaction would be?"  My husband replied, "If you called her on the phone and asked that question, she would grab the nearest box and start packing up!!!"  I've really had it with California, but it looks like my son will marry and live here and that means my grandkids some day will be here, so I guess I had better get used to California.