Hi all,
First of all - just a note - I came through my birthday dinner with flying colors - they had steak with no marinade and salad (both great for me) and then ther was the baked potato, rolls, baked beans and corn - all of which did not scream my name (well maybe the corn) and then during cake time I had my sugar free jello and whipped cream!!! Guess what? I rock!!!!!
Anyhow, I had sweet tea - about 3 glasses made with Splenda and I knew I had seen "something" about Splenda having carbs - I told my friend but she said no - it's great. I read the posts when I got home. I'm trying to figure out how bad I was.
Also, I usually take my iced tea with nothing and after drinking 3 glasses (HOT, HOT, HOT IN AZ), of the splenda tea I had some very bad heartburn. I don't think I've had heartburn like this in, well forever. Could the Splenda cause bad heartburn. Inquiring minds and all that!!