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So you know, I'm 66 years old and in great health thanks to FAT To Skinny (FTS).
When I started living the FTS lifestyle back in August 2010, I weighed 317 lbs. and was VERY unhealthy. My doctor told me I probably won't last 5 more years if something doesn't' change. So I started my FTS journey.
After about 6 months, I lost about 50 lbs. and my doc took me off diabetes meds. As well as some to control my elevated triglycerides and cholesterol.
After a year, I lost the remaining 50 lbs. and have never felt better in my life.
Within one year, I lost 100 pounds, and have never felt better (with the exception of a little joint pain from time to time, but nothing really bad).
So yes, living low-carb REALLY does!
There is solid science behind it.
If you have any other questions, please let us know.
Have a great day!