My name is Linda and I need to
lose weight for various reasons. I really need help since I also am a Type 2 Diabetic who is close to 100 lbs overweight. I have tried so many diets I have lost count and I am now considering Bariatric Surgery at The Royal Alexandra Hospital in the Weight Wise Clinic. I really do not want to take this drastic step of surgery which will forever alter my body , but I feel this is my only chance of leading a fulfilling life and to lose the weight. Being over weight with diabetes has resulted in High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and the beginning of loss of feeling in my feet. I was also recently diagnosed with a heart murmur due to my weight. It also has affected my relationship with my 14 yr old daughter who would love a Mom who is more active and healthy. Since I am a single parent I know she fears for my health and sees the issues I am having. I also see her falling into the same bad habits which I have and her weight is also becoming close to unhealthy.
I have joined a gym to get physically active, but I lack a good diet for me to understand and stick to and promote
weight loss. I would like to win a copy of Fat to Skinny since Doug Varrieur was also diabetic and understands how hard it is for diabetics to follow conventional diets & diet books which do not understand the diabetic body. I spent over $800 on L.A.
weight loss Clinic only to find out it is not a medically supervised program and their answer to my low blood sugar while trying to follow their diet was to add an orange and milk to my diet. !! I do not want to spend my life counting points or hooked on Jenny Craig food. I want a program which addresses a diet based on diabetes that diabetics can understand and follow. Please consider my entry for your contest.
Thank You;