Had my annual phyical yesterday. The doctor told me my great blood/lab report and great blood pressure reading was due to losing weight! I can see my "goal weight finish line" not too far in the distance future and praise God for the emotional/mental/physical victories that losing weight gives me. Praying you are having success on the FTS program too. I'm losing like a turtle--but it is coming off. I am trilled for the results, plus I'm eating good, healthy "replacement foods". In August I will be 59 so lose your weight while you are young and hopefully it will come off much quicker. I had 30-35 pounds to lose and I am seeing "the finish line flag of victory" waving ahead!!! Less than 10 pounds to go which I have been working on for the last 1 1/2 years. I have been on the FTS program almost 2 months which has offered me great hope, "family support online" and "replacement" foods for life!!!
SouthCarolinaLady (Susie)
Some journeys are longer than others, but stay strong and we are here for YOU !