Hi Doug.
Ive been a diabetic for 5 yrs and have met with 4 different nutritionists who state that I should not have any "WHITE ANYTHING" except cauliflower. Then they told me that wheat and sweet potatoes are acceptable and healthy carbs. I can only trust the professionals since I am not qualify to disagree.
2 of these nutritinists were during 2 of my pregnancies. What I can tell you is that I did apply the wheat theory and so no difference. My BG in the am were sky high at times. I ended taking up 140 cc of insulin in shot at night..
my pharmacy even called the DR thinking he had made a mistake. Granted that hormises play a huge role in BG in a pg woman..
Since the birth of my last baby (1 yr ago July) my sugars have been stable with the ocassional spike due to be a bad girl.
Please educate me though I know youre going to say its all in the book I am anxiously waiting.
As for the book, before I found your site and email, I found it on amazon and the cookbook I bought through your ebay store.