Wasn't hungry when I first got up today so just had my cup of coffee as I got ready.
Took 2 of my daughters out for lunch at a nice restaurant. Special of the day was buy one burger get one free for $8.99 -
I ordered my burger with onion, tomato slice, lettuce and cheese melted over the top...no bun of course.
These were not pressed burgers but homemade big burgers...NUM! Had broccoli, pea pods and green bean mixture on the side, kids ate the carrots that came with that. I was so satisfied after that meal...wasn't hungry again til about 6. Had leftover Macafoney and Cheese (a house favorite for all now
and strawberries with a few toasted walnuts on the side...delish!!
Did a 3 mile Walk Away The Pounds workout with daughter #2 and now not hungry for a snack...just a tall glass of cool water...what a satisfying day!
Today marks 3 weeks for me
Not weighing til Monday...