Hi, Michelle!
Don't worry about the thread(s)!
Never be hesitant to speak up when you're experiencing challenges in your FTS journey.
Communicating those things, and getting added support, is why we're here!
It's very easy to slip up and bring on sugar detox.
Thinking of high carb foods as poison which was killing me, helped me stave off MANY slips (still does).
And I've found (and observed) that it seems harder the 2nd, 3rd, etc. times restarting.
That's probably because our bodies (and minds) are geared to maintain stasis.
And when we upset the balance, our systems tend to react a bit more intensely each time.
The most important thing to remember is that we are all human and are bound to slip along the way.
It's what we do afterword that makes all the difference.
And what your doing is EXACTLY what anyone should do after a slip!
So, kudos to you, Michelle!