I may have stumbled upon something that may help break plateaus without adding a single net carb.
I recently started paying attention to the amount of fiber I get everyday.
Most veggies high in fiber also have at least some net carbs but I wanted to add fiber without net carbs.
Although I get an average of 31 grams of fiber a day from what I eat (according to FitDay.com), I supplement that with 4 caps of psyllium fiber 3 grams each (twice a day, morning and night) for an added 12 grams per day (43 grams daily total).
I started this last Tuesday 11/02/2010.
My weight was on a plateau for the last week and a half of October and first week of November.
But today, the scale says I lost 1.6 pounds!!!
I also noticed since I added the extra fiber that I now have "regular" BMs.
Before the added fiber, not so much.
I remember beebs asking; "HOLY POOP!!! Where did Gary (Katary) go?" after he submitted a recent "after" picture.
And Doug responded, "That's exactly where Gary went..... Holy Poop!".
I'm hope adding fiber will minimize future plateaus.
At least it's helping to keep me regular!