Divinity is about the only thing I miss when it comes to Christmas treats. I found a recipe and they say it tastes "just like divinity" here it is:
1 cup of heavy whipping cream (beat to a peak)
Splenda to taste
1 pk of SF pistachio pudding
After beating the heavy whipping cream to stiff peaks, beat in the SF pistachio pudding. It doesn't say what to do with it after that so maybe put dollops on some waxed paper or parchment and chill? I would think it would be a fairly stiff mixture.
But . . .
I was thinking of maybe trying some unflavored gelatin dissolved in water, Walden's Marshmallow Dip, and into that beat in one box of SF vanilla pudding mix, vanilla extract, Xylitol, and one of the thickener ingredients. Then chill. It should set up to make the "divinity". Would probably need to stay refrigerated though. Could even stir in a bit of chopped pecans if you wanted. I'm ordering some Walden's marshmallow dip this weekend. Wish me luck!
Umpa, Beebs, Shihtzumom, Owensmath - any ideas?