Hi G8orgirl!
The trick to staying faithful to this lifestyle is twofold: (1) Commitment, and (2) Preparation.
You must be committed to changing your life for the better with F2S.
Like anything else, if you don't care enough (i.e. lack commitment) in an endeavor, you're likely not to succeed with it.
It's up to --YOU AND ONLY YOU-- to change your life, your health, and your appearance.
Also, you must prepare yourself for "confrontations" with foods that are poison (i.e. high-carb) to you.
What has worked for me is writing down every last high-carb food that I used to enjoy, and find AT LEAST one replacement for it.
This is what makes sticking with the F2S lifestyle so easy!
One last thing, you need to allow time for your body to adjust to living F2S.
When you finish detoxing from sugar, you will no longer feel urges for "bad" foods and more fully enjoy low-carb foods.