Wow, just when I think I can have some faith in people, I hear stories like this...
Hi Alex!
There is a lot of "intentional" ignorance in this world, Alex.
Some call it, keeping one's head in the sand.
Far too many would rather hang on to what they believe to be true, than learn the truth.
It's a personal pride problem... They just do not want to consider the possibility that they may be incorrect.
With some health condition exceptions, obese people are fat because they have "insulin resistance" issues.
For people that have "insulin resistance" issues, we know F2S is the answer.
If they don't want to hear it, that's their problem.
We are not responsible for how others choose to believe.
Just let them watch us get skinny and come to the place where they WANT to know how we do it.
At that point, they should be willing to join with us in our quest for better health and better lives.