A little over a year ago I was at a first-time visit for a new dentist. Part of that first visit includes taking blood pressures. I was shocked to find out mine was incredibly high. I had no idea. I'm talking triple-digits for both numbers sometimes. I went to my doctor and she put me on Lisinipril, but it still didn't go down enough, so she increased my dosage eventually.
The meds have made me feel horrible since I first started taking them. I get dizzy if I stand up too fast. Everyone tells me to "stand up slowly" but ... well, who the hell does that? When you stand, you stand. Anyway, the dizziness is getting worse and now I go for a couple of seconds where everything just goes black on me. I have to stop and close my eyes for a second or two and then I'm okay again. I'm pretty sure it's from the Linsinipril.
I'm starting to record my BP everyday now. Each time I've taken it, it has been normal. Today it was 116/70 and my HR was 50. Now, I don't know if that's because the medicine is working or if maybe it's because I've lost 47 pounds -- or simply a combination of both.
Do any of you have experience getting off HBP meds? If so, how is it done? Will my doctor decrease my dosage a certain amount while I monitor it? I don't imagine you can go off it cold-turkey without having problems. I'm just concerned because the dizziness/blacking out stuff seems to be getting worse. I'm planning on making an appointment soon, but I want to make sure I have a good record of numbers to show her before I go in. Otherwise, I'm not sure if it would do any good.
Just curious how this has worked for everyone else, if at all. Thanks!