Author Topic: A Vegan Meal Plan  (Read 8347 times)


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A Vegan Meal Plan
« on: February 14, 2011, 04:00:48 PM »
OKAY! is tomorrow's plan! I will post today's plan when I'm done with it...I haven't even started yet :P

Breakfast total net carbs: 4
Celery with 2TBS of almond butter net carbs: 2
1/4 cup of almonds net carbs: 2
Water (I only drink water anyways so that's a freebie :P)

Lunch: total net carbs: 5.5

A Boca patty w/A1 net carbs: 2
1/2 cup of broccoli net carbs: 2
1/2 cup of cauliflower net carbs: 1.5

Dinner total net carbs: 8

A BIG salad with 2 cups fresh baby spinach net carbs: .6
chopped celery
cucumber net carb: 1
broccoli net carb: 2
cauliflower net carb: 1.5
1 small tomato net carbs: 3
 with Olive oil and red wine vinegar total net carb: 0

A grand total of 17.5 which leaves me 2.5 for a snack!

Now, please provide any feedback, if you see anything that could be improved, added, or better ideas, PLEASE offer them up! I am a NEWBIE! I have NO clue what I will eat the day after that...but I can only account for tomorrow. Love you guys...can't wait to hear from Doug and Umpa!!!
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Doug Varrieur

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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2011, 07:12:30 PM »
I think its a great start....tomorrow have a big Portabello mushroom cap or two stuffed with spinach and feta cheese and baked in the oven! Yum  ;)
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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2011, 07:27:55 PM »
LOL thanks Doug...actually, there are only 3 veggies I don't eat...onions, avocados, and mushrooms-they make me very ill and no feta cheese for :P I am a strict vegan, no cheese, no honey, no dairy, no egg :( but I do LOVE my spinach!!!
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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2011, 10:33:56 PM »
You probably could have saved some carbs by using mustard or sugar free ketchup instead of A1 Sauce.


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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2011, 11:05:17 PM »
Actually, I don't eat mustard, and sugar free catsup tasted really bad to rotten tomatoes...but the A1 I'm using has 0 carbs so it was a freebie ;) The foods are vegan but that I don't eat are mustard, vegan mayonaise, mushrooms, onions, avocado, and I don't care for artichoke that much. Everything else is pretty much game except of course things that aren't vegan like dairy and cheese, honey, any meat or by product, lard, basically veggies and fruit...I guess all fruit is a no-no? I wonder where I can get my vitamin C from, I need it badly for my immune system. But I love all greens, and fruit, and grains...and seeds and beans and nuts...I'm not wild about soy...but it's okay, but I don't like tofu at all. Not silken not chuncked not fake meat...but I love's going to be very challenging, but all the ideas sent my way help jog my mind so I appreciate all the time everyone takes to offer advice and products...if there are any other recipes anyone can think I'll be glad to give it shot! I need ideas :P
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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2011, 08:30:08 AM »
oops, slipped on the Feta :) I think if I was you I would start with a complete list of Vegan foods then I would start crossing out the high carb foods.

Here's a link to a list that should get you started-

I have a question for you, you may have answered it in another post and I've missed it. Why are you Vegan?
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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2011, 08:45:36 AM »
You need to get Flaxseed in your diet to fill you up.You can use flaxseed meal/Flour or ground flaxseed on your salads of drinks.Its wicked high in omegas and vegan.You can use  i as a breading for eggplant for fried eggplant(or veggies).Boca burgers are great.You can use them anywhere you use ground beef.There are also similar meat subsitute products in the grocery store.Stir fries were suggested and a great idea for you.The big portabellas can also take the place of meat in most recipes.You need to detox,get the sugar out of your system and start from there.You can also add nuts to stirfries for protien. ;)


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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2011, 09:18:04 AM »
Frank's Hot Pepper Sauce is also a 0 condiment.  Gives flavour and a little zip without using up your precious carbs.


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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2011, 07:59:54 PM »
Awesome suggestion guys!!!! I wish I ate mushrooms...but they disgust me to Heaven!

Hey Doug, thanks for the link and ALL the help!!!! I'm vegan for multiple reasons, some has to do with extensive digestive problems and hospitalizations (still mystery diagnosis but following a strict vegan diet helps tremendously) but it started when I was 4...when I was 4 years old I was eating fish and saw gray lines in the meat...I asked my mom what it was, she said veins...long story short I was so freaked out by meat I couldn't eat it...I never really liked fish or any seafood or any pig products. So that left me with beef, turkey, and chicken. By the time I was 14 I lost my taste for it and found and still find it know how some people change as they get older and their taste buds open up a little more...well, mine opened up to many, many, things but closed to meat. Eating meat isn't and never will be an option for, I don't have an appendix or gallbladder and when or if (which almost never happens) it gets in my system...I get very ill. That's my shortest version  :P Like I said, the only things aside from non-vegan items that I don't eat are mushrooms, avocados, and onions-I'm very allergic to onions and just detest the other two...I've tried over and over again to eat them but I throw them up as if I have a gag reaction or something...if it isn't obvious yet, I analyze too much and have a strong mind ;) but this is coming in handy with the diet...which by the way I have followed today! I was on the road unexpectedly for my internship and so I had to eat out, I got a salad but all they had was lettuce, tomato, and black I had that with Newman's dressing that had only 1 carb...I didn't have a tablespoon to measure, but I think I did okay. For breakfast I didn't pre-prepare my celery with peanut butter so I just had 4 carbs worth of almonds...Rena's suggestion was cocoa 100 calorie pack almonds, so that's what I had one, one of those and one regular pack without cocoa for breakfast. I haven't made dinner yet but will follow the plan. I'm pretty proud and excited, worried about running out of options, but am giving it my best!

Umpa!!! I actually have a bag of flaxseeds but don't know what to do with them....your suggestions have I need to grind them up first or what do you think? Anymore recommendations? And like I said...I hate mushrooms.

Shih Tzu Mom1...guess what? You were RIGHT!!! I won't use the has 3 carbs...what was I looking at? I rechecked it when you made that suggestion. And guess what else? The nasty catsup wasn't low was low sodium LOL that explains a lot! 

Thanks guys for all your time, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! If you have any other ideas...keep them coming! I hope to order the appleberry or whatever it's called cereal from dixie diner soon, and the crispbread! Love you guys and appreciate everything!!!
May you be blessed in all your endeavors, but most importantly, may you be humble. God keep you.


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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2011, 08:17:36 PM »
Rick tried the no-carb Walden Farms ketchup and hated it. Now he eats the no sugar one from Heinz, which has a few carbs in it. He's such a ketchup fanatic, so it's worth it to him. Ack.

I've been using flaxseed meal to make muffins, pancakes, and breads using the One-Minute Muffin Mix in the recipe section. It's awesome and so nice to be able to make one serving at a time.


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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2011, 08:22:40 PM »
WOW Rena! How do you make all that stuff with flaxseed? How do you know the carb count?
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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2011, 08:28:17 PM »

For a muffin, I use a mug to cook it in. Use a big one because it rises and then sinks down again while cooking in the microwave.

For pancakes, I use basically the same thing and just spoon them out onto a griddle like I would any other pancake mix.

For a bread, I put the mixture in a square container and cook it the same way as the muffins. Then it pops right out and I cut it in half to make a sandwich. I've been making grilled cheese doing this, but I'd like to try a tuna melt sometime.


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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2011, 08:34:08 PM »
Thanks Rena!!! Is it hard to figure out the carb count?
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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2011, 08:40:36 PM »
Rena...awesome link and recipes! I can't wait to try it they use flaxseed or flaxseed oil and can you use trivia instead of xylitol...can't find it here. Also, I bet mine will have 0 carbs because I don't use eggs, I have a zero carb egg re-placer :P !!!!
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Re: A Vegan Meal Plan
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2011, 08:41:59 PM »
When I first tried it, I used almond flour. Then I saw flax has 0 carbs, so I switched to that. Most eggs have 1 net carb and the baking powder has a little, but I'm not sure how much. With 1/4 teaspoon, it can't be that much. I haven't added any seasonings or flavorings yet. Flax is sweet, almost like a bran muffin, so I haven't added anything. Oh wait ... I did add sugar-free chocolate syrup (Torani) to one muffin to make it chocolatey. That was good! Those syrups are 0 carb, but I don't know if they're vegan.